



ツイッターで質問が出ているようなのでいくつか資料をご紹介します 保険がきかない場合の中絶薬「300カナダドル」の根拠は Cost Coverage of the Abortion Pill | Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights abortion – Planned Parenthood Toronto地域に…

Health Insurance, a False Dichotomy and a Negative Right to Abortion in Canada's Maritime Provinces

Clare Joanne Shrybman, Osgoode Hall Law School of York University (Student Author) Health Insurance, a False Dichotomy and a Negative Right to Abortion in Canada's Maritime Provinces要旨と導入部分を試訳してみます。 要旨 本論文は、R v Morge…

MSDマニュアル プロフェッショナル版 英日比較

Induced Abortion (Interruption of Pregnancy) By Frances E. Casey , MD, MPH, Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center Last full review/revision Feb 2022 CLICK HERE FOR PATIENT EDUCATION In the US, about half of pregnancies are uninte…

The History of Abortion, by Carole Joffe, PhD

Innovative education in reproductive health, UCSF The History of Abortion所収:Management of Unintended and Abnormal Pregnancy > Section I: Abortion in Perspective > 1 - 9 https://www.infona.pl/resource/bwmeta1.element.wiley-o9781444313031…