

"Abortion; Law, Choice & Morality" was written by Daniel Callahan in 1970, which is next year when Dr. Callahan established the Hastings Center and three years before Roe vs. Wade decision.

The book has more than 500 pages in volume and is written throughly around the topic of abortion from legal, political and ethical perspectives. I was surprised to notice Dr. Callahan has already mentioned in this book not only women's rights as 'person-right' but also mother's conferral of personhood to fetus (as a feminist claim in 1967). We can find his account of Japanese abortion situation at that time. His research and discussion was so sweeping that it looks like most of the current debate on abortion was founded by him to say the least. I wonder why the importance of this book has not been pointed out by someone before, or else it's just that someone already referred the fact but I did not notice it.

Anyway, I believe it's a very essential literature for studing abortion problems.

Abortion: Law, Choice, and Morality

Abortion: Law, Choice, and Morality