



マナグア 2日 ロイター] ニカラグアで11カ月前に中絶が全面禁止となったのを受け、少なくとも80人の女性が死亡していることが分かった。米国に拠点を置く人権団体「ヒューマンライツ・ウォッチ」が2日明らかにした。





Human Watchの記事冒頭を引用します。

Nicaragua: New Abortion Ban Puts Women’s Lives at Risk
President Ortega Should Show Leadership by Protecting Women s Lives

(Managua, October 2, 2007) – Nicaragua’s blanket ban on abortion, which criminalizes life-saving medical treatment, has had a devastating impact on women’s health and lives, Human Rights Watch said today in the first-ever report on the human rights consequences of the ban, which was enacted in November 2006.

The new report, “Over Their Dead Bodies,” documents how this ban on abortion has made women afraid to seek even legal health services. Fearing prosecution under the new law, doctors are unwilling to provide necessary care. The report is based on interviews with officials, doctors from the public and private health systems, women in need of health services, and family members of women who died as a result of the ban.

“Doctors in Nicaragua are now afraid to provide even legal health services to pregnant women,” said Angela Heimburger, Americas researcher at Human Rights Watch's Women's Rights Division. “Some testified that personnel at public hospitals refused women and girls adequate care after devastating miscarriages, with direct reference to the ban.”



問題のニカラグア中絶法は昨年11月に制定されたもので、強姦や近親姦、女性の生命や健康に危険がある場合でさえも、中絶を禁止しています。Human Watchではこうした被害が出ることを予測して、警告を発していました。