



FIGO Professional and Ethical Responsibilities Concerning Sexual and Reproductive Rights

At the XVII FIGO World Congress in Santiago, Chile in November 2003, the General Assembly adopted a resolution on Women's Sexual and Reproductive Rights which called for member societies to "adopt and adapt a human rights-based code of ethics for women's health, in the professional conduct of all their activities".


Resolution on “Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Rights - A Social Responsibility for Obstetricians-Gynaecologists”:
Adopted by the FIGO General Assembly 2003 in Santiago, Chile

Recalling the resolution of the 2000 General Assembly on “Women’s Rights Relating to Reproductive and Sexual Health”

Recalling that reproductive rights embrace certain human rights that are already recognized in national laws, international human rights documents, and other consensus documents. *

Re-affirming that women’s health is often compromised not by lack of medical knowledge, but by infringements on women’s human rights

Noting with satisfaction the progress report of the FIGO Committee on Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Rights

Affirming that improvements in women’s health worldwide require the advocacy and action of Obstetrician/Gynaecologists

Acknowledging that Obstetricians and Gynaecologists are obligated by the special professional privileges granted to them by nations and societies, as well as their unique knowledge, to promote and protect women’s health in their individual and professional encounters
The FIGO General Assembly:

Confirms its commitment to continue to collaborate with other organizations at the national, regional and international level, including the United Nations System, to further advance women’s sexual and reproductive rights

Declares that advocacy and inclusion of the human rights of women are an integral and priority area in FIGO activities
Invites FIGO member societies to:

adopt and adapt a human rights- based code of ethics for women’s health, in the professional conduct of all their activities

work with educational bodies to incorporate the human rights based code of ethics in the curriculum of all levels of training in obstetrics and gynaecology

focus their efforts on priority areas in human rights failings identified in their own countries, where advocacy efforts by gynaecologists and obstetricians, in collaboration with other civil society groups, can have an impact on women’s health
Calls upon all members of the profession to:

stand for women’s sexual and reproductive rights in their countries

respect and protect women’s rights in their daily practice