

Feminist Daily Newsより

July 14, 2009付けのFeminist Daily Newsの記事から抜粋です。

FDA Approves Single-Dose Plan B Emergency Contraceptive

The US Food and Drug Administration has approved a single-pill version of the Plan B emergency contraceptive, which is currently available as a two-pill dose. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd announced yesterday (see PDF) that the new version, Plan B One-Step, will be available by the end of August.

Emergency contraception (EC), also known as Plan B, is effective up to five days (120 hours) after unprotected sex, birth control failure, or rape, but it is most effective (95 percent) if taken within 24 hours. Because of the time-sensitive nature of EC, over-the-counter access is crucial to its effective use. Plan B does not terminate an existing pregnancy.


緊急避妊薬、事後避妊薬などと呼ばれるPlan Bは、妊娠防止を目的に無防備な性交後に服用するホルモン剤で、仮に受精卵ができていた場合にもその着床を妨げる作用をもっています。従来、複数回にわたってピルを服用する必要があったのですが、それを一回だけの服用で可能にした薬が認可されたというわけです。
