

Progesterone could prevent 8,450 miscarriages a year, finds new research


Giving progesterone to women with early pregnancy bleeding and a history of miscarriage could lead to 8,450 more babies being born each year, finds new research published today.

Two new studies evidence both the scientific and economic advantages of giving a course of self-administered twice daily progesterone pessaries to women from when they first present with early pregnancy bleeding up until 16 weeks of pregnancy to prevent miscarriage.

Progesterone is a hormone that is naturally secreted by the ovaries and placenta in early pregnancy and is vital to the attainment and maintenance of healthy pregnancies.

Researchers are calling for progesterone to be offered as standard in the NHS for women with early pregnancy bleeding and a history of miscarriage, after their growing body of research has found it is both cost-effective and can increase women’s chances of having a baby.

中絶薬はプロゲステロンという妊娠に不可欠だと言われるホルモンを阻害する薬なので、逆に、このホルモンを投与することで流産を防げるというわけです。でもなぜ今になってこれが発見されたのだろう? とっくに分かっていてもおかしくないような気がするのだけど……。
