Gender, Human Rights and Culture Branch, Technical Division, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
October 2009
ターニングポイントになった1994年のICPD以降のSRHRの多様で均一でない展開と今後の展望。きちんと読んでおかないと。⇒2023年2月 目を通したけど、まだまだ発展途上という感じです。
The 1994 ICPD conference in Cairo marked the beginning of new international dialogue around reproductive health and rights, as well as a turning point in the history of the population movement. Recognition of gender as a key determinant of an individual’s health, and of women’s disproportionate burden with regards to sexual and reproductive health shifted the focus of attention from achieving demographic targets to addressing women’s needs and rights. Consensus on a broad framework for sexual and reproductive health was achieved at the Cairo conference, along with targets for achieving universal reproductive health by 2015.