Eliminating forced, coercive and otherwise involuntary sterilization
An interagency statement
「優生保護法」改定阻止運動 ① 金子珠理(2019)
「優生保護法」改定阻止運動 ② 金子珠理(2019)
「優生保護法」改定阻止運動 ③ 金子珠理(2020)
旧優生保護法の歴史と問題 ―強制不妊手術問題を中心として―
国立国会図書館 調査及び立法考査局 専門調査員 社会労働調査室主任 岡村 美保子
Oct 7 2016
President Signs Tillis-Carper Eugenics Compensation Legislation Into Law
The Treatment of Certain Payments in Eugenics Compensation Act will now protect living eugenics victims receiving compensation payments by excluding their payments from being used in determining eligibility for, or the amount of, federal safety net benefits.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, President Obama signed S. 1698, the Treatment of Certain Payments in Eugenics Compensation Act into law, which will help protect living eugenics victims receiving compensation payments by excluding their payments from being used in determining eligibility for, or the amount of, federal safety net programs such as Medicaid, Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, Supplemental Security Income, and SSI-Disabled. The legislation was authored by Senators Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Tom Carper (D-DE), and co-sponsored by Senators Richard Burr (R-NC), Mark Warner (D-VA), Tim Kaine (D-VA), and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).
Without this law, eugenics victims who receive compensation payments could have had their federal safety net benefits reduced or their eligibility eliminated altogether.
State-run eugenics and compulsory sterilization laws victimized more than 60,000 Americans in 33 states from the 1920s to the 1970s. State governments often targeted specific groups for sterilization, including unmarried women, African-Americans, and children from poor families.
In 2013, Tillis, then the North Carolina Speaker of the House, partnered with State Rep. Larry Womble to break through longstanding political gridlock in order to make North Carolina the first state in the nation to compensate the victims of its state-run eugenics program. In 2014, more than 200 North Carolina victims were awarded their first compensation payment of approximately $20,000 each. Recently, victims received their second eugenics compensation payment, worth an additional $15,000 each.
Last year, Virginia became the second state to pass legislation compensating the victims of a state-run eugenics program. Virginia will award $25,000 to each individual who was involuntarily sterilized and is still alive as of February 1, 2015.
“The victims of North Carolina’s eugenics program have already endured so much throughout their lives, and this law will help protect them by ensuring their restitution payments will not negatively impact their eligibility for federal safety net benefits,” said Senator Thom Tillis. “I also hope this law will increase the American public’s awareness of a dark and shameful chapter in our nation’s history that resulted in the sterilization of American citizens against their will. The subsequent fight for justice would not have been possible without the unrelenting activism of leaders like former state Rep. Larry Womble. We are better as a people, a state and a nation for acknowledging the sins of the past and fighting for justice on behalf of the victims.”
“People who’ve been subjected to horrifying sterilization practices as a result of misguided eugenics programs have already had to live with unfathomable loss and hardship,” said Senator Tom Carper. “These individuals shouldn’t be penalized for compensation funds that they have received for their suffering, especially because it can never repair the pain they’ve had to endure. I’m proud that Congress came together across party lines to approve this important effort to ensure that no person loses important federal benefits because they received this type of compensation.”
優生学補償における特定の支払いの扱いに関する法律」は、連邦政府のセーフティーネット給付の資格や金額を決定する際に、補償金の支払いを除外することで、補償金の支払いを受けている生きている優生学犠牲者を保護するものです。ワシントン D.C. - 本日、オバマ大統領はS.1698(優生学補償における特定の支払いの扱いに関する法律)に署名しました。この法律により、補償金を受け取っている生きている優生学の犠牲者は、その支払いがメディケイド、補助栄養支援プログラム、補助保障所得、SSI-Disabledなどの連邦セーフティーネットプログラムの資格や金額を決定する際に使用されないようになり、保護されることになります。この法律は、トム・ティリス上院議員(NC)とトム・カーパー上院議員(DE)が作成し、リチャード・バー上院議員(NC)、マーク・ワーナー上院議員(D-VA)、ティム・ケイン上院議員(D-VA)、ダイアン・ファインスタイン上院議員(D-CA)が共同で提案しています。
>>Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care
. 2018 Apr;23(2):121-129.
doi: 10.1080/13625187.2018.1450973. Epub 2018 Apr 6.
Legalised non-consensual sterilisation - eugenics put into practice before 1945, and the aftermath. Part 1: USA, Japan, Canada and Mexico
Jean-Jacques Amy 1, Sam Rowlands 2
Affiliations expand
PMID: 29624082 DOI: 10.1080/13625187.2018.1450973
Free article
In the late 19th century, eugenics, a pseudo-scientific doctrine based on an erroneous interpretation of the laws of heredity, swept across the industrialised world. Academics and other influential figures who promoted it convinced political stakeholders to enact laws authorising the sterilisation of people seen as 'social misfits'. The earliest sterilisation Act was enforced in Indiana, in 1907; most states in the USA followed suit and so did several countries, with dissimilar political regimes. The end of the Second World War saw the suspension of Nazi legislation in Germany, including that regulating coerced sterilisation. The year 1945 should have been the endpoint of these inhuman practices but, in the early post-war period, the existing sterilisation Acts were suspended solely in Germany and Austria. Only much later did certain countries concerned - not Japan so far - officially acknowledge the human rights violations committed, issue apologies and develop reparation schemes for the victims' benefit.
Keywords: Canada; Japan; Mexico; eugenics; forced; non-consensual; sterilisation; the USA.