

Postpartum Haemorrhageへの対応


Prevention and Management of Postpartum Haemorrhage

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & GynaecologyVolume 124, Issue 5Apr 2017Pages701-840, e106-e149


Prevention and Management of Postpartum Haemorrhage (wiley.com)

Oxytocin and ergometrine–oxytocin
McDonald and colleagues’ meta-analysis36 addressed prophylactic ergometrine–oxytocin versus oxytocin for the third stage of labour. This review indicated that ergometrine–oxytocin (Syntometrine, Alliance, Chippenham, Wiltshire, UK), oxytocin 5 iu and oxytocin 10 iu have similar efficacy in preventing PPH in excess of 1000 ml.
Using the definition of PPH as blood loss of at least 500 ml, ergometrine–oxytocin was associated with a small reduction in the risk of PPH (Syntometrine versus oxytocin any dose; OR 0.82, 95% CI 0.71–0.95).
There were major differences between ergometrine–oxytocin and oxytocin alone in the adverse effects of nausea and vomiting, and elevation of blood pressure, with ergometrine–oxytocin carrying a five-fold increased risk (OR 4.92, 95% CI 4.03–6.00). Thus, the advantage of a reduction in the risk of minor PPH needs to be weighed against the adverse effects associated with the use of ergometrine–oxytocin.
Evidence level 1++
McDonaldらのメタアナリシス36では、陣痛第3期の予防的エルゴメトリン・オキシトシンオキシトシンの比較について取り上げている。このレビューでは、エルゴメトリン-オキシトシン(Syntometrine, Alliance, Chippenham, Wiltshire, UK)、オキシトシン5 iu、オキシトシン10 iuは、1000mlを超えるPPHを予防する上で同様の効果を有するとした。
PPHの定義を500ml以上の出血とすると、エルゴメトリン・オキシトシンはPPHのリスクをわずかに減少させることに関連した(Syntometrine vs oxytocin any dose; OR 0.82, 95% CI 0.71-0.95 )。
悪心・嘔吐、血圧上昇の副作用については、エルゴメトリン・オキシトシンオキシトシン単独で大きな差があり、エルゴメトリン・オキシトシンではリスクが5倍上昇した(OR 4.92, 95% CI 4.03-6.00 )。したがって、軽度のPPHのリスク低減という利点と、エルゴメトリン・オキシトシンの使用に伴う有害作用とを比較検討する必要がある。
エビデンスレベル 1++

An RCT,42 using a primary outcome of any treatment of uterine atony or haemorrhage, assessed whether or not a higher dose of oxytocin after vaginal delivery was more effective than a low-dose regimen in preventing PPH after a vaginal delivery. Compared with 10 iu, administering 40 iu or 80 iu of prophylactic oxytocin did not reduce overall PPH treatment when given in 500 ml over 1 hour for vaginal delivery.
Evidence level 1+
エビデンスレベル 1+

The use of prostaglandins for the prevention of PPH has been the subject of two Cochrane reviews.37,38
Neither intramuscular prostaglandins (such as carboprost, a 15-methyl prostaglandin F2a analogue) nor misoprostol (a prostaglandin E1 analogue given orally or sublingually) were preferable to conventional injectable uterotonics (oxytocin and/or ergometrine) for routine prophylaxis.37 Furthermore, another systematic review43 concluded that oxytocin is superior to misoprostol in the prevention of PPH.
Evidence level 1++
エビデンスレベル 1++

Appraisal of the evidence from both the Cochrane reviews, together with consideration of standard practice in the UK, suggests that, for women delivering vaginally, oxytocin 10 iu by intramuscular injection is the
regimen of choice for prophylaxis in the third stage of labour. Intramuscular oxytocin should be administered with the birth of the anterior shoulder, or immediately after the birth of the baby and before the cord is clamped and cut. This strategy has been endorsed in the NICE intrapartum care guideline.9
Evidence level 1+
エビデンスレベル 1+

A Cochrane review44 has addressed the use of a longer-acting oxytocin derivative, carbetocin, in the prevention of PPH. Carbetocin is licensed in the UK specifically for the indication of prevention of PPH in the context of caesarean delivery. Use of carbetocin resulted in a statistically significant reduction in the need for further uterotonics compared with oxytocin for those undergoing a caesarean, but not for vaginal delivery. However, there were no statistically significant differences between carbetocin and oxytocin in
terms of risk of PPH.
Evidence level 1++
コクランレビュー44 では、PPH の予防に長時間作用するオキシトシン誘導体であるカルベトシンを使用することが取り上げられている。カルベトシンは、英国では特に帝王切開分娩におけるPPHの予防という適応で認可されている。カルベトシンの使用により、帝王切開の場合、オキシトシンと比較して、さらなる子宮収縮剤の必要性が統計的に有意に減少したが、経腟分娩の場合はそうではなかった。しかし、PPHのリスクに関しては、カルベトシンとオキシトシンの間に統計的に有意な差はなかった。
エビデンスレベル 1++

RCOG Green-top Guideline No. 52 e117 of e149 ª 2016 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Recommendations | Intrapartum care for healthy women and babies | Guidance | NICE

1.14.32 と 1.14.33 が薬品

Intrapartum care for healthy women and babies

オキシトシン(10 IU 静注)または
オキシトシンとエルゴメトリンの併用(5 IU/0.5 mg 筋肉内投与)[2014]


WHO は低所得国で地域のお産がある場所も視野に入れて(むしろ低所得国に向けて)ポリシーを出していく機構だから、一応高所得国で医療施設のお産が主な日本はまずはオキシトシン点滴を止血に使いやすいのでMisoprostol 錠剤を助産師が持って歩く必要はあまりないですよね。