



Pregnant 10-year-old rape victim denied abortion

Mother requested abortion for daughter after the child's stepfather was allegedly sexually abusing her, but Catholic country only ... Paraguay's strict abortion laws only allow the procedure under life-threatening circumstances.

Group presses to allow abortion for raped 10-year-old(CNN) An international rights group is pressing the Paraguayan government to allow an abortion for a 10-year-old girl who allegedly was impregnated by her stepfather -- a procedure that health officials in the South American country have so far blocked.

Article Paraguay: Raped 10-year-old must be allowed an abortion
29 Apr 2015 ... Failure by the Paraguayan authorities to provide a safe abortion to a 10-year-old rape survivor could have devastating consequences on her health and will heap injustice on tragedy, said Amnesty International today.


Dear International Campaign friends and supporters,

The 10-year-old Paraguayan girl who became pregnant following sexual abuse by her stepfather is now 22 weeks pregnant and is being denied an abortion by the authorites in Paraguay, who say her life is not at risk and therefore it would not be legal to do an abortion. Amnesty International has said this amounts to torture and we agree. The Center for Reproductive Rights is involved in taking legal action, and we hope it succeeds and quickly. But we also need to keep exerting pressure. We are launching a short campaign: ASK THE AUTHORITIES: What if it was your daughter?

We sent you a call for solidarity on 29 April and asked you to write to the Ministers of Health and Justice in Paraguay last week. Please write again:

 * Minister of Public Health and Welfare/ Ministro de Salud Pública y Bienestar

Dr. Antonio Barrios, email: ministro@mspbs.gov.py

 * Fiscal General, Dr. Javier Díaz Verón, fdiaz@ministeriopublico.gov.py

Today, we are also asking you to take action on Twitter and Facebook and create a storm of retweets, shares, comments and likes.

First Campaign Tweet: https://twitter.com/Safe_Abortion/status/595403193791684608

and Facebook post:


Please forward this message to all your offices, members, networks and contacts. Thanks!!

Marge Berer


