Clinical practice handbook for Safe Abortion
Guiding principles
Providers should be aware of local laws and reporting requirements. Within the framework of national laws, all norms, standards, and clinical practice related to abortion should promote and protect:
- women’s and adolescents’ health and their human rights;
- informed and voluntary decision-making;
- autonomy in decision-making;
- non-discrimination;
- confidentiality and privacy.
Some practical examples of how providers can apply these principles include:
- treating all women equally regardless of age, ethnicity, socioeconomic or marital status, etc., in a prompt and timely fashion;
- ensuring that abortion care is delivered in a manner that respects all women as decision-makers;
- providing complete, accurate and easy to understand information;
- respecting the dignity of the woman, guaranteeing her privacy and confidentiality;
- being sensitive to the needs and perspectives of the woman;
- protecting medical information against unauthorized disclosures;
- being aware of situations in which a woman may be coerced into having an abortion against her will (e.g. based on her health status, such as living with HIV);
- when dealing with adolescents, encouraging parents’ engagement through support, information and education. Do not insist on parents’ authorization, unless it is a legal requirement.