


11月22日付けJapan Press Network 47 Newsの「米大統領報道官にギブス氏起用 選挙戦の広報戦略担当」という記事の中に紹介されていました。




上記記事中の「中絶擁護派の女性の社会進出を支援する団体」とは、EMILY's Listのことだと思われる。同団体ホームページの自己紹介は次のとおり。

EMILY's List members are dedicated to building a progressive America by electing pro-choice Democratic women to office. We believe in the power of women as candidates, as contributors, as campaign professionals, and as voters to bring about great change in our country.

EMILY's List is committed to a three-pronged strategy to elect pro-choice Democratic women: recruiting and funding viable women candidates; helping them build and run effective campaign organizations; and mobilizing women voters to help elect progressive candidates across the nation.

By working together, we can make a difference -- and change the face of American politics.



She was announced as the new White House Communications Director on November 22, 2008.[1]

[1] "White House Communications and Press Secretary positions announced", Newsroom: Press Releases, Change.gov (22 November 2008). Retrieved on November 22, 2008.