




Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and
not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the
fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race,
religion, political belief, economic or social condition.


WHOのファクトシート "Mental Health Policy Fact Sheet"(2003)より

メンタル・ヘルス・ポリシーとは何か? なぜ重要か?

Mental health policies define a vision for the
future, which in turn helps to establish benchmarks
for the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of
mental disorders, and the promotion of mental
health in the community. Mental health policies
are important because they coordinate, through a
common vision and plan, all programmes and
services related to these objectives. Without this
type of organization, programmes and services are
likely to be inefficient and fragmented.



  • メンタルヘルスが公衆衛生の基本的構成要素になっている時,
  • 政府の方針や対策により,人々の精神衛生およびメンタルヘルスの保護と増進が推進されている時,
  • サービスが適切で,理にかない,アクセス可能で,公平である時,
  • 制約や介入が最小の状態で人々が取り扱われている時である。

WHOのサマリー・リポート"Promoting Mental Health:CONCEPTS,EMERGING EVIDENCE,PRACTICE"(2004)前文より

These objectives and functions of World Health Organization (WHO) are at the core of our commitment to mental health promotion.

Unfortunately, health professionals and health planners are often too preoccupied with the immediate problems of those who have a disease to be able to pay attention to needs of those who are “well”. They also find it difficult to ensure that the rapidly changing social and environmental conditions in countries around the world support rather than threaten mental health.

This situation is only partly based on the lack of clear concepts or of adequate evidence for effectiveness for health promoting interventions. This has much to do with how the professionals and planners are trained, what they see as their role in society and, in turn, what society expects them to do. In the case of mental health, this also has to do with our reluctance to discuss mental health issues openly.

The Summary Report on Promoting Mental Health: Concepts, Emerging Evidence, Practice is
WHO’s latest attempt to overcome these barriers. It describes the concept of mental health and its
promotion. It tries to arrive at a degree of consensus on common characteristics of mental health
promotion as well as variations across cultures. The Report also positions mental health promotion within the broader context of health promotion and public health. The evidence provided for
some of the health and non-health interventions for mental health benefits is likely to be useful
to health policy planners and public health professionals.
