


アメリカで初期中絶を事実上合法化することになる裁判を提起したSara Weddingtonという弁護士が,自伝(下記参照)の冒頭で自分の非合法中絶の経験を書いていたことに今になって気が付いた。彼女は自分の体験もあって,中絶合法化の必要性を痛感し,1970年3…

The Japanese situation of abortion is very different from those of other western nations. After the World War II, the goverment issued 1948 Eugenic Protection Act to allow the people in poverty to acquire abortion as a national population …

I finally finished translating the essay I mensioned before. It's a very famous and important one on morality of abortion and was translated in Japan almost 20 years ago. However, the abribiated translation of it was no good, to say the le…