

Mahmoud F. Fathallaに関する情報



Professor Mahmoud F. Fathalla
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, former Dean of the Medical School at Assiut University, Egypt, and Chair of the WHO Advisory Committee on Health Research

Mamdouh F. Fathalla

Born in Egypt in 1935, Professor Fathalla earned his medical degree in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from the University of Cairo in 1962 and Phd from Edinburgh University in 1967.

Professor Fathalla served as the Dean of the Medical School, Assiut University Egypt. He was the former Director of the UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction. Other positions held by Professor Fathalla include Senior Advisor, Biomedical and Reproductive Health and Research, The Rockefeller Foundation, former President of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics and former Chairman of the International Medical Advisory Panel of the International Planned Parenthood Federation. He has also served as the Chairman of the WHO Global Advisory Committee on Health Research.

Professor Fathalla is Honorary Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (1985) and
the Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (1996) and Honorary Fellow ad eund. of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (1990). He holds Dr Honoris Causa from Helsinki University, Uppsala University and Toronto University.

In 1995 Professor Fathalla was awarded the Mastroianni-Segal Award by the World Academy of Art and Science. In 2001, he received the Ihsan Dogramaci Family Health Foundation Prize awarded by the World Health Organization.

He is the author of more than one hundred and fifty scientific publications. Professor Fathalla has been an international campaigner for Safe Motherhood and a founder of the Safer Motherhood Initiative. His scientific interests include women's health, safe motherhood, reproductive health, ethics and human rights, contraceptive research and development and ovarian tumours.


From Obstetrics and Gynecology to Women's Health: The Road Ahead (Paperback)
by Mahmoud F. Fathalla (Author)
Out of Print--Limited Availability.

Book Description
Clinicians textbook on the expanded role of obstetricians and gynecologists in changing from organ healing and delivering babies to comprehensive health care of the whole woman. Describes a multiple role for the obstetrician-gynecologist as team leader in reproductive health, specialist in gynecologic disease, primary health care provider, and social advocate for womens health. Contains 22 chapters on these topics, uniquely covering the future of the professions of obstetrics and gynecology in providing integrated and comprehensive health care for women.



9 リプロダクティブヘルスの概念の背景について、諸説があるためここでは明確にしていない。1970年代にWHOが人々の保健ニーズを総合的に把握するために用い始めた概念であるとも、1988年にヒト生殖生理学特別研究計画(Special Programme for Research, Development and Research Training for Human Reproduction)の局長、ファターラ博士(Dr. Fathalla)が提唱した概念である、とも言われている。
10 「女性の健康」運動(women’s health movement)は1960年代後半〜1970年代に起こり、性や避妊、中絶が欧米の女性運動の優先課題となり、リプロダクティブヘルス/ライツの理念の確立と普及に影響した。

なお念のために付け加えておくと、「リプロダクティブヘルス/ライツ」すなわち "reproductive health/rights"という表現は英語にない。言うとすれば"reproductive health and rights"である。英語で通常バックスラッシュは"or"――つまり「どちらか」とか「言い換えるなら」の意味で用いられる。日本語の場合はなおのこと「/」が何を意味するのかは不明確であり、概念の混乱を来すので使うべきではないだろう。

また1960年代のアメリカのフェミニストたちは、reproductive freedomという言葉を用いることが多かった。1985年に発行されたPANDORA社の"A Feminist Dictionary" でも、"reproductive freedom"しか載っていないし、そこで引用されているのは1980年と1985年のGloria Steinemの言葉である。

余談だが、上記事典はかつてロサンジェルス郊外のサンタモニカにあったSisterhood Bookstoreで店員に「ぜひに」と勧められた一冊。Gloria Steinemは1972年に刊行された雑誌"Ms."の初代編集長で、アメリカのウーマンリブのアイコン的人物である。