2020年前半の中絶実態統計早くも発表! 手法も変化
Abortion statistics for England and Wales during the COVID-19 pandemic - GOV.UK
To date there have been 109,836 abortions carried out in 2020, a small increase on the same period in the previous year. This demonstrates that while many essential healthcare services have had to pause activity due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, access to abortion care has been unaffected due to the innovative use of telemedicine.
The statistics show a significant reduction in average gestation, with 86% of abortions performed before 10 weeks (compared to 81% the previous year) and 50% of abortions performed before 7 weeks (compared to 40% the previous year). Abortion is considered a safe procedure and the risk of complication is further reduced the earlier it is carried out.
From March 30 2020, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care put in place a temporary measure to limit the transmission of COVID-19 and ensure continued access to abortion services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligible women and girls are able to take both pills for early medical abortion up to 10 weeks in their own homes, following a telephone or e-consultation with a clinician, without the need to first attend a hospital or clinic. This change has been made on a temporary basis only and is time limited for two years, or until the pandemic is over.
COVID-19 has increased the takeup of medical abortion via telehealth | Marie Stopes Australia