


RUとは何なのか……なんてことはない、社名だったんですね。最初の頃に聞いたはずなのに、すっかり忘れていた。Roussel Uclaf社。ルーセル・ウラアだったかな。今はドイツのHoechst(ヘキスト)社の子会社になってるのかな。詳しくは知らないけれど。アメリカの不買運動はHoecfst社に対して起きたようです。でも、これって日本語でどう読むのだろう?(こんなんだから、忘れるんだよね。)

開発者名もメモっておこう。エチエンヌ-エミール・ボリュー博士(Prof. Etienne-Emile Baulieu)です。The "abortion pill" : RU-486, a woman's choiceという本を1991年にSimon & Schusterから出しています。拾い読みしたはずなのに、内容をほとんど覚えていない……ううむ。

This Man's Pill: Reflections on the 50th Birthday of the Pill

1951年に世界で初めてステロイド系避妊ピルを合成した男性Carl Djerassiの回顧録。これは実用化されなかったわけだけど、きっとその研究が後の黄体ホルモン系避妊ピルの合成の礎石にはなったんでしょうね。ちなみに、このDjerassiさん、科学者と作家の二足のわらじを履いているようです。読んでないので、お奨めってわけではありません。でも、暇があったらちょっと読んでみたいかな……。

それにしても、「はてな」が凍ってて、商品紹介できない! 困ったもんだ……。



From Publishers Weekly
French endocrinologist Baulieu, with the help of Associated Press senior correspondent Rosenblum, promotes the "abortion pill," RU-486, which remains unavailable in the U.S. Baulieu's research in sex hormones was instrumental in the synthesis of RU-486 over a decade ago; here, he explains how the pill disrupts hormone signals, thus either preventing fertilization or separating the fertilized egg from the uterine wall. Judged safe, affordable and nearly 100% effective in European testing--though not without discomfort--RU-486 constitutes an alternative to the "pain and mutilation" of "outmoded" methods of abortion, a boon to Third World nations, here ... and a possible boost to immunological defenses, says Baulieu. He skillfully counters detractors with statistical evidence of RU-486's success, with positive testimonies from former patients and evidence of international support. Although this informative primer is at times dry--Baulieu is a scientist, not a raconteur--it merits attention from both pro-choice and pro-life camps. Photos not seen by PW.
Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc.

This Man's Pill: Reflections on the 50th Birthday of the Pill (Popular Science)

This Man's Pill: Reflections on the 50th Birthday of the Pill (Popular Science)

Most scientists are lucky if they can base a career on one big discovery. Carl Djerassi, who first synthesized the birth control pill, has managed to squeeze two careers--so far--out of that feat. His memoir, This Man's Pill, published on the pill's 50th birthday, is a warm and funny reflection on his work as research chemist and man of letters; with several novels and plays under his belt, Djerassi is an insightful writer far past the journeyman stage. Exploring the pill's reception and the various battles it's faced internationally, he offers his own thoughts on the subjects of medical ethics, sexuality, and politics while sharing his complex life story. Reminiscent of Richard Feynman's playfully free spirit, Djerassi's voice will inspire readers interested in the confluence of science and art. --Rob Lightner
