



どうも日本ではいまいち盛り上がらない国際女性デー……なんだかなぁ……と思って、International Women's Day 2020の英語サイトをつらつら読んでいたら、次が目についた。

Setting some interesting historical context
The path to women's equality has been long and challenging, and here are some reasons why. Each stage provided an important focus in forging the gender agenda further along.

女性の平等への道のりは長くてチャレンジングである……として、ジェンダーの課題は段階的に積み重ねられ、固められてきたとして説明している。だけど、最初の、19世紀から20世紀初めの段階で課題にされていたのは、参政権と「同一労働 同一賃金」。前者は敗戦によって実現されたけれども、後者は「今の日本」がまだ到達できていない課題なのである。

Activism: In the late 1800's and early 1900's, women activists fought hard for equality. The focus was largely on securing the right to vote and equal pay for equal work. These two issues - women's voice and participation in government; and the gender pay gap - largely remain key priorities over a century later.


Feminism: Fast-forward to the 1970's and widespread feminist action saw women rallying, protesting and lobbying hard for inclusion, influence and equality.

Fix the women: The 1980's saw an array of "Fix the Women" progams that were well-meaning in trying to help women become more confident, visible, well-networked and assertive - but many reinforced a notion that women needed to "act like men" and "fit" into existing patriarchal structures and organizations if they were to succeed (all while still being a superwoman in the home). Shoulder pads, power suits, high heels and a loud voice were in fashion.

Change the organization - The 1990's and noughties focused on organizational development: "Maybe if we change or fix the organizational structures, women will thrive?" So areas like the focus on women in the boardroom escalated, as did more diverse recruiting, inclusive talent pipelines, and attention to wider diversity groups beyond gender such as race, LGBT+ and so forth. The introduction of "Top Company" and "Top Women" style lists occurred and as they increased in popularity, the number of new lists launched each year increased exponentially. The number of women's conferences and networks also increased significantly - and continue to play an important and necessary role across all countries. The volume of gender-related research also increased - new insight, new terms and understandings, new phrases, measurement of the extent of problems or success; hard facts and numbers.


Men as allies: In more recent years, men as advocates and champions of change have been recognized as playing a key part in accelerating women's equality. Many progressive CEOs and influential leaders have committed via formal public channels to helping build diverse and inclusive organizations that challenge stereotypes and bias.

The world expects balance: And so here we are - 2020 is here. Movements like #MeToo, #TimesUp and the significant global rise in International Women's Day activity in every corner of the world - along with the many female-focused days and initiatives around the world - mean gender is firmly on the agenda!


2017 and 2018 saw International Women's Day as the most discussed topic on Facebook by millions (even more than the Super Bowl). Pantone's color of the year in 2018 was purple (i.e. women's color). Everywhere, gender is on the mainstream radar and impacting the narrative. Stereotypes and bias are more likely to be called out. Men's role in society is more varied and gender roles are fluid.


We are moving to a very exciting time in history where the world now "expects" gender balance. The world notices its absence and celebrates its presence. Step back a few years and the world was asked to #PledgeforParity for IWD 2016 and develop an inclusive mindset. Then in 2017 the world was asked to #BeBoldforChange and identify tangible action to help accelerate gender parity. 2018 saw a massive #PressforProgress as the world stepped forward to push the boundaries and go beyond to achieve greater equality for women. In 2019, we continued to play a critical role in helping forge a more gender-balanced world as we work towards a #BalanceforBetter. And 2020, sees an important wave of collective individualism as we all strive to be #EachforEqual - because an equal world is an enabled world.


ジェンダー平等についても日本は完璧にガラパゴス化しているということを、嫌になるほど痛感させられた。もうっ! 本当にっ!! どーしてくれよう~~~~!!!
