




「令和2年1-12 月の累計人工妊娠中絶数は 145,340 件」となっています。

6 母体保護関係
 令和元年度の人工妊娠中絶件数は 156,430 件で、前年度に比べ 5,311 件(3.3%)減少している。「20 歳未満」について各歳でみると、「19 歳」が 5,440 件と最も多く、次いで「18 歳」が3,285 件となっている。
 人工妊娠中絶実施率(女子人口千対)は 6.2 となっており、年齢階級別にみると、「20~24歳」が 12.9、「25~29 歳」が 10.4 となっている。「20 歳未満」について各歳でみると、「19歳」が 9.0、「18 歳」が 5.7 となっている。

6 母体保護関係
 平成 30 年度の人工妊娠中絶件数は 161,741 件で、前年度に比べ 2,880 件(1.7%)減少している。
 「20 歳未満」について各歳でみると、「19 歳」が 5,916 件と最も多く、次いで「18 歳」が 3,434件となっている。
 人工妊娠中絶実施率(女子人口千対)は 6.4 となっており、年齢階級別にみると、「20~24 歳」が 13.2、「25~29 歳」が 10.4 となっている。「20 歳未満」について各歳でみると、「19 歳」が9.8、「18 歳」が 5.8 となっている。

第204回国会 参議院 厚生労働委員会 閉会後第1号 令和3年7月8日

安全な中絶 国会答弁

146 倉林明子
147 三原じゅん子
副大臣三原じゅん子君) 御指摘の点につきましては、WHOが人工妊娠中絶・流産手術に関して電動式吸引法及び手動式吸引法というのを推奨しているといった国際的な動向を踏まえまして、会員に対して周知していただきたいという旨の通知を関係団体に七月の二日に発出したところでございます。
148 倉林明子
倉林明子君 通知の周知徹底ということを私は強く要望したいと思うんですね。日本でも、掻爬等がより安全な吸引法に取って代わったという結果を本当早く出してほしいというふうに思っております。いろんな協力が必要だというふうに思いますけれども、協力いただかないと前へ進まないので、そこはしっかり進めていただきたい。


徹底調査しました! 現在、やはり11か国……台湾はなくす方向で検討中。中絶に配偶者同意要件がある国は、もはや間違いなく少数派です。

The World's Abortion Laws - Center for Reproductive RightsのCategories of Abortion Categories of Abortion Laws from Most to Least Restrictiveのマップによると、配偶者同意要件(SA: Spousal Authorization Required)の記号が付いているのは12ヵ国ですが、このうち韓国は2021年1月1日に堕胎罪が撤廃され、配偶者同意要件もなくなったと考えられるので、残りは11ヵ国です。


Numerous medical barriers also limit access, such as requiring the authorisation of several doctors, cumbersome requirements for rape and health indications and in all but one country, spousal consent.
Abortion and Islam: Policies and Practice in the Middle East and North Africa

以下は、WHOのGlobal Abortion Policies Databaseで「SA(配偶者同意要件)」のマークがついていることを確認した国々です。さらにこれを補佐するような情報を探しました。

赤道ギニア(Equatorial Guinea)

f) Abortion
Abortion on request is illegal and a woman who seeks an abortion for herself is punishable of 12 to 20 years of imprisonment (Penal Code, art. 413). Anyone who performs an abortion without the consent of the pregnant woman is liable to 20 to 30 years of imprisonment and anyone who performs an abortion with the consent of the pregnant woman is liable to 12 to 20 years of imprisonment (Penal Code, art. 411). An abortion can be legally performed in on restricted grounds, notably to preserve the physical health of the woman or to save the woman’s life (United Nations Population Division, 2002 & Guttmacher Institute, 2016). In those cases, a medical practitioner must approve and perform the abortion in a medical facility (United Nations Population Division, 2002). It is reported that if the pregnant woman’s husband or guardian is opposed to the abortion, the medical practitioner must report it to judicial authorities who will make the final decision (United Nations Population Division, 2002).


Abortion is legal only if the pregnancy constitutes a serious threat to the health of the mother or if the child would be born with grave, unexpected, and incurable physical or mental defects.50 Ministerial Decree (No. 55 of 1984) places strict procedural requirements on such abortions, including prior approval by the woman’s husband or guardian.


In Morocco, abortion is criminalised and punishable by prison and fines, except in the cases of married women whose medical reports prove that the pregnancy carries a physical threat. Even in such cases, a husband’s approval is mandatory.

サウジアラビア(Saudi Arabia)

In general, Muslim authorities consider abortion as an act of interfering the role of Allah (God), the only author of life and death. However, different Islamic schools have different views on abortion. According to the Hanafi School, which is predominant in the Middle East, Turkey and central Asia, and that constituted the main body of law during the Ottoman Empire, abortion was conceptualized as ıskât-ı cenîn, which can be translated as the expulsion of the fetus.

At the outset, this terminology was obscure as it made no distinction between miscarriage and abortion (TR). Moreover, within the Hanafi school, it was argued that ıskât-ı cenîn is mekrouh, meaning unwanted rather than haram (prohibited), before the fetus is 120 days old, given that the fetus would not be ensouled until then (TR). Yet, even if it is mekrouh, termination of pregnancy was entrenched to husband’s approval and it did not constitute a right or decision on women’s part.

At the same time, other Islamic schools have diverging opinions on abortion. Shafi school, which is dominant in Southeast Asia and parts of Africa, majorly permits termination of pregnancies up to 40 days and opinions diverge within the school as per the foetal development advances.

Some Shafi imams even tolerated abortion up to 120 days. Although the Hanbali school that is dominant in Saudi Arabia and United Arabic Emirates does not have a unified stance on abortion, some opinions permit abortion until the 120 days. Finally, the Mailiki school, dominant in North Africa, affirms intermediate status of fetus as the potential of life and prohibits abortion entirely. As a matter of fact, all Islamic schools consider fetus to be ensouled by 120 days of conception and none of them permit abortion after this stage.
When abortion is ‘haram’, women find strategies to claim their rights | Sciences Po


Indonesian law allows abortion in medical emergencies, as well as in cases of severe fetal anomaly. In the latter situation, if the woman is married, both she and her husband must consent. The law was expanded in 2009 to legalize abortion in cases of rape, but only up to six weeks’ gestation.
Induced Abortion in Indonesia | Guttmacher Institute


Abortion is illegal, unless to save the life of the mother; even then, authorisation from her husband or parents is also required.

アラブ首長国連邦(United Arab Emirates)

Abortion is illegal in the UAE except where the woman’s life is in jeopardy or the unborn child has deformities that will prove fatal.23⇒23 For medical terminations, it has to be within 120 days, the procedure also requires the approval of a medical panel and the written consent of the woman's husband or male guardian.


In Yemen, abortion is legally permitted only to save the life of the mother. Although recent data on abortion prevalence is lacking, the 1997 Demographic Health Survey found that 30% of women aged 28 years and above had ever had an abortion. Yemen’s abortion rate is on a par with rates in many other countries because Yemeni women, like women around the world, want to limit their family size: if contraception is not available, women will turn to abortion even when it is illegal. For Yemeni women with large families, abortion is the commonest method of family limitation.

Post-abortion care was available at the Al-Wahda Teaching Hospital before the IRC intervention, but providers were using the outdated and invasive method of Dilation & Curretage (D&C). The number one training request the IRC received was for manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), the World Health Organisation-recommended method of providing post-abortion care. Training in post-abortion care, conducted in December at the Al-Wahda Teaching Hospital, included the application of MVA, counselling on post-abortion family planning, infection identification and prevention and key messages that placed the provision of post-abortion care within the context of preventing maternal deaths. Five female OB/GYNs from five separate facilities attended, ensuring that post-abortion care was available at both intervention sites as well as other facilities in Aden, and the IRC distributed MVA kits at facilities with trained providers. Between July and December 2012, 227 women received post-abortion care at IRC-supported facilities. Following the MVA training in December, health providers began to phase out D&C and replace it with MVA.
Family planning and post-abortion care in emergency response - IRCs experience in Yemen - Humanitarian Practice Network


In the late 1970s in Turkey, unsafe abortion was acknowledged as a major public health concern. Population Policy Law No. 2827 was passed in 1983, authorising abortion on request up to ten weeks of pregnancy and up to 24 weeks for medical indications.33 Under this law, trained nurses and midwives are authorised to insert IUDs, and general practitioners are allowed to provide abortions by vacuum aspiration, referred to as menstrual regulation, in hospitals, under the supervision of obstetrician–gynaecologists. Spousal or parental consent is required in the implementing regulation, depending on the woman’s age but is not included in the actual law. Hence, no criminal action can be taken should an abortion be performed without this consent.
Legal but not accessible: abortion in Turkey from an ethical perspective - Gender DSC 1
Access to Abortion in Turkey: No Laughing Matter - International Women's Health Coalition


Taiwan's Health Promotion Administration (HPA) on Wednesday (Dec. 9) announced it will propose eliminating a law that requires women to receive permission from their spouses to have an abortion.

Article 9 of the Genetic Health Act (優生保健法) states that if a married woman wishes to undergo an abortion, she must first receive consent from her spouse. However, a petition to rescind the law on the Public Policy Proposal Platform received 7,441 signatures, exceeding the minimum of 5,000 needed to require a response from a government department.

On Wednesday, HPA Deputy Director-General Wu Chao-chun (吳昭軍) announced that in order to comply with the UN's Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and after consulting with various groups in the community, the department is planning to amend the Genetic Health Act to meet the expectations of the public and achieve the greatest consensus, reported CNA. Wu said more discussions will be held internally and that a draft of the new legislation will be announced in March.

Some who signed the petition pointed out that since a pregnancy affects an individual woman's body, she should be granted the power to terminate it. They argued that whether a woman is married or not should make no difference. However, those opposed to changing the law argue the matter affects both partners in a marriage and that both should have a hand in deciding whether or not to go through with the pregnancy.

From the standpoint of the medical association, Huang Min-chao (黃閔照), chairman of the Taiwan Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, supports the removal of spouse consent, reported UDN. Although some people think that the husband provides sperm and has the right to claim embryos, pregnancy actually has a greater impact on women's health, said Huang.

Huang pointed out that among the countries in the world where abortion is legal, fewer than 10 explicitly require spousal consent.

Lin Hsiu-i (林秀怡), director of the Development Department of the Awakening Foundation, said that there have been reports of women in the midst of divorce negotiations who wished to terminate their pregnancy but whose husbands did not agree to it and used the current abortion law to gain leverage. She said that in some cases, the husband has threatened to report their wife if she goes through with the abortion but does not agree to his terms for divorce.

Lin welcomed the proposed amendment as an important development in women’s physical autonomy. She said that the consent requirement places more decision-making power in the hands of the husband rather than the woman.
Proposed law would let Taiwanese women get abortions without spouses' approval | Taiwan News | 2020-12-10 18:37:00

Government to propose dropping spousal consent for abortions - Focus Taiwan
Abortion bill would remove need for ‘husband’s consent



In Saudi Arabia, abortion is allowed in cases of risk to a woman’s life and to protect her physical and mental health. A pregnancy arising from incest or rape might qualify for a legal abortion there under the mental health exemption. Saudi women just got the freedom to drive last year, but it seems they have less to fear when it comes to terminating pregnancies than women in Alabama.

Similarly, abortion laws in other Muslim-majority nations allow pregnancies to be terminated in cases of rape, incest, fetal impairment, or risk to a woman’s mental or physical health. These exemptions to abortion bans exist in Kuwait, Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates.

In Turkey, abortion is legal and free during the first trimester. Thereafter it is allowed only if a woman’s life is at risk or to protect her physical and mental health or in case of fetal abnormalities.

Similar exemptions are legalized in the North African countries Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria. And Tunisia—like Turkey—provides free abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy at public health facilities with no restrictions.








2021 G7コーンウォールサミット成果文書の一覧(日本語)




以下はサブ声明文である「2021年 開かれた社会声明




















吸引法が未だ導入されていない場所においては、管理者は適切な疼痛管理のプロトコールが守られながら、D&C の手技が十分な監督下で、よく訓練された職員によって実施されることを保証しなければならない。


 真空吸引法が妊娠12週~14週までの外科的人工妊娠中絶において推奨される技術です。ルーティンに鋭的(鋭利な器具を用いた)搔爬術によって処置を完了すべきではありません。いまだに、頸管拡張及び子宮内膜鋭的搔爬術(Dilatation and sharp curettage, D&C)が行われているならば、真空吸引法に切り替えるべきです。(推奨の強さ:強)



厚労省がWHOの2012年のガイドライン『安全な中絶 第2版』を元に、「搔爬が今も行われている場合は吸引に置き換えるべき」との情報周知を図りました! ようやくです❣



子母発 0702 第1号
公益社団法人 日本産婦人科医会 会長 殿
公益社団法人 日本産科婦人科学会 理事長 殿

( 公 印 省 略 )


日頃より、母子保健行政の推進については格段のご配慮を頂き、御礼申し上げます。さて、人工妊娠中絶・流産手術については、WHO は別紙のとおり、EVA(Electric Vacuum Aspiration:電動式吸引法)及び MVA(Manual Vacuum Aspiration:手動式吸引法)を推奨しております。
つきましては、こうした国際的な動向を踏まえて、EVA 及び MVA について会員 に対して周知していただくよう、御協力をお願い致します。

WHO “Safe abortion: technical and policy guidance for health systems, Second edition”
D&C involves dilating the cervix with mechanical dilators or pharmacological agents and using sharp metal curettes to scrape the walls of the uterus. D&C is less safe than vacuum aspiration (61) and considerably more painful for women (62). Therefore, vacuum aspiration should replace D&C. The rates of major complications of D&C are two to three times higher than those of vacuum aspiration (3). Randomized controlled trials comparing D&C with vacuum aspiration found that, for up to 10 weeks since the LMP, vacuum aspiration is quicker and associated with less blood loss than D&C (63, 64).
Where it is still practised, all possible efforts should be made to replace D&C with vacuum aspiration, to improve the safety and quality of care for women. Where no abortion services are currently offered, vacuum aspiration should be introduced rather than D&C. At sites where vacuum aspiration has yet to be introduced, managers must ensure that proper pain management protocols are followed, and that D&C procedures are performed by well trained staff under adequate supervision.(p.41)
D&C は子宮頸部を拡張機器や薬剤で拡張することや、鋭利な金属製のキュレットを用いて子宮壁を掻爬することを含んでいる。D&C は吸引法(訳注:EVA(Electric Vacuum Aspiration:電動式吸引法)及び MVA(Manual Vacuum Aspiration:手動式吸引法)を指す。以下同じ。)より安全ではなく(61)、女性にとって相当程度より苦痛をもたらすものとなっている(62)。したがって、吸引法は D&C を取って代わるべきである。D&C による合併症の頻度(発生率)は吸引法の2~3倍高い(3)。D&C と吸引法を比較した RCT は、最終月経から 10 週までは、吸引法は D&C より迅速に、より失血が少ないことが明らかになった(63、64)。
 D&C が未だに実行されている場合には、安全性と女性のケアの質を改善するために、D&Cを吸引法に取って代えるための全ての努力がなされるべきである。人工妊娠中絶が現在提供されていない場合は、D&C ではなく、吸引法が導入されるべきである。吸引法が未だ導入されていない場所においては、管理者は適切な疼痛管理のプロトコールが守られながら、D&C の手技が十分な監督下で、よく訓練された職員によって実施されることを保証しなければならない。

なぜ? 女子陸上選手たちの資格剥奪を通して考える、アスリート界のルールにおける「性差別」

Harper’s BAZAAR(ハーパーズ バザー)7/5(月) 20:22配信









この判定は、女性アスリートのテストステロン(男性ホルモン)を一定基準値内に下げなければいけないとする、Athletes with Differences of Sex Development(DSD)のポリシーに基づくもの。これは、男性アスリートには適用されない。(南アフリカの800m走者キャスター・セメンヤも過去に同様の対象になっており、東京大会でこの得意種目の出場は禁止されるだろう)。

