

リプロダクティヴ・ジャスティス(reproductive justice)とは

リプロダクティヴ・ジャスティスとは、個人の「人権」に主眼を置いてきた従来のリプロダクティヴ・ライツとは異なり、個人の選択を決定づける社会的な環境や不平等など、社会的公正にも目を配った概念です。元々はアメリカのcolored womenのリプロダクティブ・ヘルス運動から出てきた考え方ですが、今ではより幅広い文脈で用いられているようです。

The Reproductive Justice framework analyzes how the ability of any woman to determine her own reproductive destiny is linked directly to the conditions in her community--and these conditions are not just a matter of individual choice and access. Reproductive Justice addresses the social reality of inequality, specifically, the inequality of opportunities that we have to control our reproductive destiny. Moving beyond a demand for privacy and respect for individual decision making to include the social supports necessary for our individual decisions to be optimally realized, this framework also includes obligations from our government for protecting women's human rights. Our options for making choices have to be safe, affordable and accessible, three minimal cornerstones of government support for all individual life decisions.