


以下に、Sage Journalのオンライン検索で見つけた調査報告を紹介します。タイトルを訳せば「沈黙、コンドームと男性性:避妊を交渉するヘテロセクシュアルの日本人男性」といったところか。



Men and Masculinities, Vol. 10, No. 2, 153-177 (2007)

Silence, Condoms, and Masculinity
Heterosexual Japanese Males Negotiating Contraception

Genaro Castro-Vázquez
Keio University, Tokyo, Japan

Izumi Kishi
Senior High School attached to the University of Tsukuba, Japan

To investigate how some Japanese graduate students understand their masculine identity and negotiate sexual encounters and condom use, the authors interviewed sixty twenty-four-year-old to twenty-six-year-old heterosexual men during the summer of 1997. They used a set of three interviews covering three areas: home, school and/or job, and sexual life. In talking about sexual encounters and decision making about contraception, they found that male's responsibility and protection are considered the main reasons for keeping decisions under their control. Allusions to sexuality as an act closely related to reproduction make condoms to be regarded as a barrier, which negates the pleasure of sex and interferes with arousal. The authors did not find any reference to "safer sex." Inaccurate information and ignorance about methods of contraception seemed to be constant. The association of condoms with contraception seemed to deny the possibilities of condoms as protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Key Words: agency • condoms • gender • heteronormativity • homosexuality • Japan • patriarchy • sex education
