


Fam Plann Inf Serv
. 1981 Apr;1(6):16-9.
A review of techniques of induced abortion
S Hepburn
PMID: 12263449

PIP: Various techniques are available for inducing abortion. Evacuation of the uterus through the vagina is generally the preferred method in first trimester pregnancies. Dilation of the cervical canal by inserting rod dilators or laminaria tents allows the withdrawal of the fetus. Suction procedures (vacuum aspiration, uterine aspiration, or suction curettage) are possible since the decidua are separable from the basal layer of endometrium. This removal by force does not damage other maternal tissue. A cannula is introduced into the uterine cavity through the dilated cervix and its operator is then connected to a pump by way of a flexible tube which delivers negative pressure of about 600 mm of mercury. When the fetus is withdrawn, the uterus is felt to contract onto the cannula. The average time for this procedure is 5 minutes. Surgical curettage or dilatation and evacuation first dilates the cervical canal and then removes fetal parts and tissue from ovum forceps; a sharp curette does the rest. Anesthesia for these procedures may be general, local, or spinal. The techniques of menstrual regulation is used before pregnancy can be confirmed. However with the advent of the RIA test for the beta subunit of HCG this procedure is rarely indicated. Induction of premature labor is used in the later 1/2 of the second trimester and utilizes prostaglandins. Intraamniobor usually begins within 24 hours. Hysterotomy and hysterectomy are surgical procedures used in abortions.



Fam Plann Inf Serv
. 1981 Apr;1(6):21-8.
Complications of induced abortion
S Hepburn
PMID: 12263451

PIP: Grimes and Cates published an extensive review of the complications of induced abortion in 1979, and most of the information presented is extracted from their review. Numerous large studies have documented that abortion is a safe surgical procedure. Abortion morbidity is primarily affected by 2 factors: gestation age and abortion technique. Additional influencing factors are type of anesthesia used, concurrent sterilization, and pre-existing complications. The findings of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Study -- total and major complications per 100 women, by gestation, procedure, sterilization, and anesthesia, for total patients and for patients with followup in the United States, 1971-1975 -- are presented in a 2nd table. Complications may be divided into immediate (developing within 3 hours of the procedure), delayed (developing from 3 hours to 28 days after the abortion), and late (occurring 28 days or more after the abortion). The immediate complication of uterine hemorrhage is difficult to evaluate because of inconsistent definitions and problems in estimating volumes of blood loss. Blood transfusion rates were reported as 0.06% for suction evacuation at 12 weeks, 0.19% for dilatation and evacutataion (D&E) at 13-20 weeks, and 1.53% for instilation of saline or prostaglandins at 13-24 weeks. Uterine perforation is a feared but rare complication of abortion procedure. A consistent rate of 0.2/1000 abortions had been reported from numerous institutions in the United States during the 2nd half of the decade. No consistent figures are available on the incidence of cervical injury. This is a potentially dangerous complication that may lead to life threatening hemorrhage or to the formation of fistulae. The risk of anesthesia-related complications from curettage abortion is 0.02/100 abortions with paracervical anesthesia. Retained products of conception remains 1 of the most important causes of abortion morbidity and may result in infection, bleeding, or both. There is a lack of uniform definitions and diagnostic criteria for post-abortal pelvic infection, which makes incidence rates difficult to interpret. Fever is 1 objective measure of the frequency of infectious morbidity, and incidence of fever by method is given. The death-to-case rate for abortion is lower than that for any other surgical procedure. The primary factors affecting mortality are period of gestation and type of procedure. Death-to-case rate for legal abortions by type of procedure and weeks' gestation is presented in table form. Suggestions for the prevention of complications are outlined.

