Abortion Care Guideline(2022) 推奨事項27
Medical management of induced abortion: Recommendations 27-30 (3.4.2) - Abortion care guideline
CLINICAL SERVICES Recommendation 27: Medical management of induced abortion at gestational ages < 12 weeks
For medical abortion at < 12 weeks:Recommend the use of 200 mg mifepristone administered orally, followed 1–2 days later by 800 μg misoprostol administered vaginally, sublingually or buccally. The minimum recommended interval between use of mifepristone and misoprostol is 24 hours.*
When using misoprostol alone: Recommend the use of 800 μg misoprostol administered buccally, sublingually or vaginally.*
(NEW) Suggest the use of a combination regimen of letrozole plus misoprostol (letrozole 10 mg orally each day for 3 days followed by misoprostol 800 μg sublingually on the fourth day) as a safe and effective option.*ǂ
Remarks:Evidence from clinical studies demonstrates that the combination regimen (Recommendation 27a) is more effective than misoprostol alone.
All routes are included as options for misoprostol administration, in consideration of patient and provider preference.
The suggested combination regimen of letrozole plus misoprostol may be safe and effective up to 14 weeks of gestation.Repeat doses of misoprostol can be considered when needed to achieve success of the abortion process. In this guideline we do not provide a maximum number of doses of misoprostol.
ǂ Further evidence is needed to determine the safety, effectiveness and acceptability of the letrozole plus misoprostol combination regimen at later gestational ages, especially in comparison with that of the mifepristone plus misoprostol combination regimen (the available evidence focused on comparison with the use of misoprostol alone).
Source: Recommendations 27a and 27b carried forward from WHO (2018) where they were Recommendation 3a (120). Recommendation 27c is new.
CLINICAL SERVICES 勧告27:妊娠12週未満の薬による中絶の医学的管理
ミソプロストールを単独で使用する場合: ミソプロストールを単独で使用する場合:800μgのミソプロストールを頬、舌下、または経膣投与することを推奨する。
臨床研究からのエビデンスは、併用レジメン(推奨 27a)がミソプロストール単独よりも有効であることを実証している。
WHO(2018) "Medical management of abortion"
3.4.2 Medical management of induced abortion:
Recommendations 3a and 3b
The decision about abortion management should be based on the individual’s preference for treatment. The WHO guideline, Safe abortion: technical and policy guidance for health systems (2012), recommends manual or electric vacuum aspiration, dilation and evacuation, or medical management, either using a combination regimen (mifepristone followed by misoprostol) or misoprostol alone (6). Mifepristone followed by a prostaglandin analogue
has been shown to be safe and effective (36). Limited evidence also suggests that a regimen with repeated doses of misoprostol between 9 and 12 weeks of gestation is safe and effective (4,28,37,38); however, use of misoprostol alone is less effective than its use in combination with mifepristone.
3.4.2 人工妊娠中絶の内科的管理:
RECOMMENDATION 3B Medical management of induced abortion at ≥ 12 weeks of gestation
We suggest the use of 200 mg mifepristone administered orally, followed 1–2 days later by repeat doses of 400 μg misoprostol administered vaginally, sublingually or buccally every 3 hours.b,c
The minimum recommended interval between use of mifepristone and misoprostol is 24 hours.
For the misoprostol-only regimen, we suggest the use of repeat doses of 400 μg misoprostol administered vaginally, sublingually or buccally every 3 hours.b,cnote:(省略)
Recommendation 3b has been updated from the WHO 2012 Safe abortion guidance (6). For this recommendation, the combination regimen (mifepristone and misoprostol) does not have the loading dose of 800 μg misoprostol as in the prior guidance. For both the combination regimen and the misoprostol-only regimen, the buccal route has been added as an option. Maximum number of doses has been removed and the time period between mifepristone and misoprostol dosing is given in days.
a Combination regimen is recommended because it is more effective.
b Evidence suggests that vaginal route is the most effective. Consideration for patient and provider preference suggests the inclusion of all routes, including buccal administration.
c Repeat doses of misoprostol can be considered when needed to achieve success of the abortion process. In this guideline we do not provide a maximum number of doses of misoprostol. Health-care providers should use caution and clinical judgement to decide the maximum number of doses of misoprostol in pregnant individuals with prior uterine incision. Uterine rupture is a rare complication; clinical judgement and health system preparedness for emergency management of uterine rupture must be considered with advanced gestational age.
ミソプロストールのみのレジメンでは、400μgのミソプロストールを3時間おきに膣、舌下、またはバッカル(頬)から繰り返し投与することを推奨する b,c.note:(省略)
推奨タイプ: 新規または更新
勧告3bは、WHO 2012年安全な中絶ガイダンス(6)から更新されています。この勧告では、併用レジメン(ミフェプリストンとミソプロストール)には、以前のガイダンスにあった800μgのミソプロストールの投与量はなくなりました。併用レジメンとミソプロストールのみのレジメンの両方について、選択肢としてバッカル経路が追加されました。最大投与回数が削除され、ミフェプリストンとミソプロストールの投与間隔が日数で示されています。a コンビネーションレジメンはより効果的であるため推奨される。
b エビデンスによると、膣内投与が最も効果的である。患者や医療従事者の好みを考慮すると、頬側からの投与を含むすべての経路を含めることが望ましい。
c 中絶を成功させるために必要であれば、ミソプロストールの反復投与を検討することができます。本ガイドラインでは、ミソプロストールの最大投与回数を提示していません。医療従事者は、子宮切開の経験がある妊娠中の人に対するミソプロストールの最大投与回数を決定するために、注意深く、臨床判断を行うべきです。合併症としてまれに子宮破裂が起こる可能性があるため、妊娠期間が長い場合は、子宮破裂の緊急管理に対する臨床的判断と医療システムの備えを考慮しなければならない。
4. Kulier R, Kapp N, Gulmezoglu AM, Hofmeyr GJ, Cheng L, Campana A. Medical methods for first trimester abortion. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011;(11):CD002855.
Authors' conclusions: Safe and effective medical abortion methods are available. Combined regimens are more effective than single agents. In the combined regimen, the dose of mifepristone can be lowered to 200 mg without significantly decreasing the method effectiveness. Vaginal misoprostol is more effective than oral administration, and has less side effects than sublingual or buccal. Some results are limited by the small numbers of participants on which they are based. Almost all trials were conducted in settings with good access to emergency services, which may limit the generalizability of these results.
(仮訳 著者らの結論:安全で効果的な内科的中絶方法が利用可能である。複合レジメンは単剤よりも効果的である。併用レジメンでは、方法の効果を著しく低下させることなく、ミフェプリストンの投与量を200mgまで下げることができる。膣ミソプロストールは経口投与よりも効果が高く、舌下投与や頬側投与よりも副作用が少ない。いくつかの結果は、その根拠となる被験者の数が少ないために制限されています。ほぼすべての試験は、救急サービスへのアクセスが良好な環境で実施されており、これらの結果の一般化可能性を制限する可能性がある。)
28. The care of women requesting induced abortion: evidence-based clinical guideline No. 7, third edition. London: The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists – RCOG Press; 2011 (https://www.rcog.org.uk/globalassets/documents/guidelines/abortion-guideline_web_1.pdf, accessed 29 November 2018).
Medical abortion at 9–13 weeks of gestation
7.22 The following regimen is recommended for medical abortion between 9 and 13 weeks of gestation:
• mifepristone 200 mg orally followed 36–48 hours later by misoprostol 800 micrograms vaginally. A maximum of four further doses of misoprostol 400 micrograms may be administered at 3-hourly intervals, vaginally or orally.
(仮訳 妊娠9週から13週の内科的中絶
7.22 妊娠9週から13週の内科的中絶には、以下のレジメンが推奨される:
37. Hamoda H, Ashok PW, Flett GM, Templeton A. A randomized trial of mifepristone in combination with misoprostol administered sublingually or vaginally for medical abortion at 13–20 weeks gestation. Hum Reprod. 2005;20(8):2348-54.
38. Tang OS, Miao BY, Lee SW, Ho PC. Pilot study on the use of repeated doses of sublingual misoprostol in termination of pregnancy up to 12 weeks gestation: efficacy and acceptability. Hum Reprod. 2002;17(3):654-8.