




Siege days are over: how Northern Ireland came to lead the UK on abortion
The chilling atmosphere of pickets and protests at clinics has given way to a new ‘gold standard’ of care

Rory Carroll, Ireland correspondent
Thu 21 Mar 2024

The family planning advisers at Shaftesbury Square still remember the days of siege when anti-abortion protesters staked out the front and rear entrance of their office in central Belfast.

Some pickets would splash holy water on the doors and daub salt crosses on the pavement while others would thrust leaflets with pictures of babies and foetuses at woman entering or leaving the building, and sometimes follow them.

Continued: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/21/how-northern-ireland-came-to-lead-the-uk-on-abortion


Women's rights activists launch effort to expand abortion rights to EU level
European NGOs said they would launch a new initiative aimed at advancing reproductive rights.

By Lauren Chadwick
March 5, 2024

Women's rights activists across Europe are joining forces to push for a dedicated funding mechanism in the European Union to make sure that women in the bloc have access to abortion.

The movement called "My Voice, My Choice" was launched in Slovenia on Tuesday and brought together activists from several European countries including Spain, Finland, Poland, France, Croatia, and Ireland.

"We are organising at the European level to push the abortion issue forward," Marta Lempart, one of the leaders of the Polish Women's Strike, told Euronews Health ahead of the announcement.

Continued: https://www.euronews.com/health/2024/03/05/womens-rights-activists-launch-effort-to-expand-abortion-rights-to-eu-level


Searching for Savita
Abortion bans are killing women. Where are their stories?
MAR 5, 2024
When Savita Halappanavar died in 2012, it was a turning point for abortion rights in Ireland. The 31 year-old Indian dentist was hospitalized when she was seventeen weeks pregnant and miscarrying. Over the course of three days, Savita begged for help again and again and was refused—even as her health rapidly deteriorated.
At the time, Irish law only allowed abortion when a woman’s life was imminently at risk. And even though there was no hope for her fetus, it still had a heartbeat.
Savita died of septic shock, in pain and surrounded by medical professionals who could have saved her life, but didn’t.


Northern Ireland's Abortion Law: An Outdated Norm or a Necessary Protection?

Mason Walker
24 Feb 2024

The Conviction of a 21-year-old Woman
In a tragic turn of events, a 21-year-old woman in Northern Ireland has been convicted for terminating her pregnancy using abortion pills. This conviction makes her the first person to be convicted for illegal abortion in at least a decade. The woman pleaded guilty to 'unlawful procurement of miscarriage' under the Offences Against the Person Act of 1861 and was sentenced to a three-month jail term, suspended for two years.

The Desperate Dilemma of Unwanted Pregnancies

This case brings to the forefront the desperate dilemma faced by women with unwanted pregnancies in Northern Ireland. Legal abortion is limited, forcing many women to resort to dangerous methods such as drinking bleach or throwing themselves down stairs. It is also common for women to travel all the way to England for a termination.



Continued: https://medriva.com/health/northern-irelands-abortion-law-an-outdated-norm-or-a-necessary-protection


Lack of action on State's abortion law shows 'political cowardice'
MON, 15 JAN, 2024

Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns said it will be “cruel” and “political cowardice” if the Government decides against removing a three-day waiting period to access abortion services.

Ms Cairns has called on Government to deal with the recommendations from the final review into the State’s abortion law, authored by barrister Marie O’Shea, which recommends significant changes.

Continued: https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/politics/arid-41309473.html


Free contraception provision expanded in Ireland
Mon, January 1, 2024

A scheme offering free contraception in the Republic of Ireland has been expanded. Since its launch in 2022, the programme has offered free contraception to women, girls and people who identify as transgender or non-binary.

Initially open to those aged 17 to 25, the scheme's age limit was increased last year to 30. From Monday, it is also open to women aged 31.

Continued: https://ca.news.yahoo.com/free-contraception-provision-expanded-ireland-084149291.html


Blair told Mowlam to put abortion law reform ‘on ice’ 20 years before it was legalised in North
Prime minister’s private secretary wrote that Blair ‘sees little scope for bi-communal support for a change to the law’

Seanín Graham
Thu Dec 28 2023

Twenty years before abortion was legalised in Northern Ireland, British prime minister Tony Blair ordered Northern secretary Mo Mowlam to put her planned review of the restrictive law on terminations “on ice”.
The Downing Street correspondence is contained in previously confidential files released this week in which Blair’s private secretary wrote that the “Prime Minister… sees little scope for bi-communal support for a change to the law and sees little advantage in embarking on a review.”

Continued: https://www.irishtimes.com/history/2023/12/28/blair-told-mowlam-to-put-abortion-law-reform-on-ice-20-years-before-it-was-legalised-in-north/


Abortion: PSNI investigate safe access zone protest law breaches
18th December 2023
By Elaine McGee, BBC News NI

The police are investigating up to 50 potential breaches of laws providing safe access zones (SAZs) outside abortion clinics in Northern Ireland. The zones came into effect in September at eight clinics in Northern Ireland.

More incidents were reported at Causeway Hospital in Coleraine than any other site, police figures show. That has prompted pro-choice campaigners and some local politicians to call for the zones to be extended by up to 250m (820ft).

Continued: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-67749785