

Six good news in corona time



Six good news in corona time
Corona pandemic burdens healthcare and challenges our communities. But there are flashes of light in the corona darkness. Here we pay attention to six initiatives that give hope.

Increased access to abortion in several European countries
As covid-19 presents healthcare with major challenges, more and more countries are expanding the opportunity for parts of abortion care digitally or by telephone - some examples are in Albania, Germany and Ireland. In the UK, the rules for abortion have been temporarily changed so that women do not have to travel where they are at risk of being infected by the corona virus. Previously, the woman had to see two different doctors to get an abortion approved. Now in medical abortions, she can take both pills at home and have contact with the health care on the phone.

Swedish abortion care copes with the pressure
There is no indication that abortion care in Sweden would be threatened by the corona crisis. On the contrary, in the Stockholm region, the corona situation has accelerated the introduction of a new booking system. Those who need an abortion now only need to keep track of a telephone number where they are quickly redirected to the right care provider.
Read more about how an abortion is done

20 extra aid millions for contraception and safe abortions
It is not only the virus that threatens public health where the corona virus is emerging. When severe restrictions paralyze communities, vital deliveries are stopped. Therefore, Sida is investing 20 million to quickly expand the stock of condoms, contraceptives and equipment for medical abortions in eastern and southern Africa. We call it feminist foreign policy at its best!

Demolished money claim for assistance from Sida
Voluntary organizations that work with international partners usually need to go in with their own resources in order to apply for money for development cooperation. But with an economic crisis on the horizon, many organizations are having a hard time getting the money. Therefore, the requirement is temporarily abandoned. Hopefully the government and Sida show understanding of the conditions of civil society in a difficult time!

The European Parliament strikes for SRHR and HBTQ
All EU countries must guarantee their residents access to contraception and abortion care during coronation times. The European Parliament adopted a resolution on the corona, following an initiative by, among others, the Swedish parliamentarian Malin Björk (V). The attacks on sex education and abortion in Poland and the hatred of trans and intersex persons in Hungary must be condemned. With 395 votes against 171, the European Parliament voted in favor of an urgent text, specifically mentioning SRHR and LGBT rights. It is not always obvious to achieve such strong writing in this type of document - but this time they succeeded!
Read European Parliament resolution (pdf)

Million rain over women's shelters and LGBT organizations
Violence increases in times of crisis and when people are encouraged to stay home, many lock in with their perpetrators. Therefore, the government invested SEK 100 million for women, children and LGBTQ persons who are subjected to violence to receive support through civil society organizations. Shortly thereafter, the allocation to LGBTQ organizations was also increased by two million. Both initiatives welcome recognition of civil society's efforts in the prevention of violence - although more needs to be done for society to get through the crisis.

Published: Apr 29, 2020