


フェミニスト法学者Mariana Prandini Assisさんのポルトガル語の記事より


12月30日の早い時間に アルゼンチン上院は 中絶と中絶後のケアへのアクセスを規制する 共和国大統領府が11月に提出した法案を承認しました 子供の頃、私たちの身近な別の国では、自主的な中絶が合法化されていました。これは、すべての女性や管理能力のある人々が、自発的かつ無料で、医療サービスで妊娠14週目までの妊娠を中断することができることを意味し、尊厳のある治療、プライバシー、守秘義務、意志の自律性、品質、情報へのアクセスが保証されています。












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遠隔医療と自己管理中絶 ―― ディスカッションペーパー(暫定訳 2020/9/24)」マージ・ベレール 著にも、アルゼンチンの「ソコレスタ・エン・レッド」の話が出てきます。ご参照ください。



(translated from Portuguese by Deepl)

Abortion legalization in Argentina only makes official what was already a reality

Mariana Prandini Assis
Collaboration for UOL

In the early hours of December 30, the Argentine Senate approved the bill submitted in November by the Presidency of the Republic that regulates access to abortion and post-abortion care. As kids, voluntary abortion was legalized in another country in our neighborhood. This means that all women and other people with capacity to manage will be able, voluntarily and free of charge, to interrupt a pregnancy until the 14th week in the health services, being guaranteed dignified treatment, privacy, confidentiality, autonomy of will, quality and access to information.

It is true that the current Argentine Presidency has played an important role in the legalization process. However, abortion had already been socially decriminalized long before the new government took action, by the force of feminist movements organized around the cause.

The first space constituted to publicly question the criminalization of abortion was the Commission for the Right to Abortion (CDA), in Buenos Aires, in 1988. The CDA activists installed themselves with their publications on city corners to dialogue with those passing by, promoted public courts on unsafe abortion, and contributed to the elaboration of the first draft law on contraception and abortion of the post-democratization period.

In the context of the constitutional reform of 1994, the then conservative-neoliberal president Carlos Menem proposed the introduction of a constitutional clause that protected the right to life from conception to natural death, generating debates similar to those that took place in Brazil in the Constituent Assembly of 1988. This government movement gave new impetus to the struggles for the right to abortion and the following years were marked by an avalanche of public testimonies, published in newspapers and magazines of great circulation, of famous women and ordinary women, who narrated their experiences of abortion, challenging the institutions of security and social control.

Still in the 1990s, abortion and contraception workshops gained an official place in the National Women's Meeting, a self-managed political space that, since 1986, has brought together thousands of women from different parts of the country for three days. It was, for example, at the National Meeting in Rosario, in 2003, that the green scarf was used for the first time as a symbol of the fight for the right to abortion and the idea of a national campaign was launched.

The National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion was born two years later, as a product of the confluence of feminist political practices from different parts of the country. Organized as a federal network, the Campaign achieved enormous visibility and managed to place the issue of abortion, in a permanent way, on the Argentinean public agenda. In the context of the Campaign, there were feminist groups with very distinct strategies and political orientations. And among them, activists who wondered: what to do while we fail to pass the law that decriminalizes abortion?

Organized clandestine abortion

It was by answering this question that feminists, concerned not with the right, but with the access to rights, decided to make use of a knowledge produced, still in the 1980s, by Brazilian women. In a context of criminalization of abortion and search for safer and less invasive methods, Brazilian women discovered that a medicine distributed for gastric ulcer treatment throughout Latin America, misoprostol, produced enough contractions to induce an abortion. Combining this knowledge, now widely validated in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology, with the fundamental right to information, Argentinean activists initiated a major movement for direct action against criminal law. They organized, in 2012, the Socorristas en Red (Feminist lifeguards network), a national articulation that congregates more than 40 groups around the so called Socorros Rosas, distributed in several regions of the country.

The Socorristas not only provide information about the safe use of the medicine, but they also accompany women and pregnant people in their decision to have an abortion, organizing their practices through phone calls, face-to-face meetings, follow-up of the abortion and post-abortion process and links with allied health sectors. And, as of 2014, the First Responders have assumed, as part of their militancy, the production of narratives and publications about their follow-up experiences, including in scientific health journals, as well as manuals with doses and regimens of the medication and follow-up protocols. They also began to systematize the data about the follow-ups they perform, contributing to expand the knowledge about the reality of clandestine abortion in the country.

It was the combination of forces and strategies of Argentinean feminist movements that led to the decriminalization of abortion in the country. These forces and strategies were heterogeneous, incorporating from advocacy in institutional spaces to direct action in the streets, and had two characteristics - decentralization, because there was not a single leadership or movement dictating the line of action, and diversity, portraying the plurality of feminisms and bodies with capacity to manage.

While some disputed the content of the law in the halls of the House and Senate, others convinced members of the judiciary and public ministry that criminalization was unfair. Still others accompanied women and pregnant people on their clandestine abortions, and thousands flooded the streets with their green scarves. This political process was multidimensional and, as such, capable of operating transformations in various levels and spaces of Argentine society.

The law we celebrate today is therefore not responsible for legalizing abortion. It only makes official what was already a social reality, produced by the feminists' struggle. The case of Argentina offers us a valuable lesson, perhaps even more important in the current Brazilian situation: it is necessary to first transform society and then change the laws.