Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2022;00:1–2. | 1wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ijgo
DOI: 10.1002/ijgo.14266
In their correspondence,1 Terauchi et al. point out the diversity of environment surrounding abortion. However, it needs to be noted that unsafe abortion is a major cause of maternal mortality worldwide, causing 14000–39000 deaths every year.2,3 Criminalizing or restricting access to abortion is not proven to be effective in decreasing abortion, but endangers women's lives by exposing them to dangerous methods.2 Securing access to safe abortion is imperative
to avoid this preventable mortality and morbidity; indeed, the World Health Organization (WHO) considers abortion care to be essential health care.2
In Japan, although abortion is legal, the expense and spouse consent requirement still hinder access to safe abortion. As a result, stories of women delivering babies alone and abandoning them continue to be reported.4–6
Some people use imported abortion pills with unknown quality control, without seeking healthcare assistance.7
Introduction of medical abortion should be one step forward. The efforts of the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (JSOG) to provide abortion safely, as Terauchi et al. describe, are appreciated.
However, as Sorano et al.8 argued, if abortion pills are restricted to be administered only under hospitalization, this places greater financial burden on individuals and limits accessibility. Mifepristone and misoprostol have been extensively used over 30 years worldwide and there is substantial evidence of effectiveness and safety.9 The world is moving toward telemedicine abortion care, as supported by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) and the WHO.2,10 Protocols should be evidence-based,
and balanced against individual preference and accessibility.
Safety of surgical abortion is another issue. The WHO recommends against dilatation and curettage (D&C) including use of curettage after vacuum aspiration (VA), regardless of whether the provider is trained or not.2 The WHO guideline states that “D&C causes pain and suffering to women,” and “its use is incompatible with numerous human rights, including the right to health”.1 Indeed, in 2015, a Japanese nationwide survey reported that D&C resulted
in higher risk of uterine perforation compared to VA (36.4/100,000 vs. 4.9/100,000, P = 0.047).11 However, in 2019, 23.5% of induced abortions were still performed by D&C, 40.3% by VA with curettage, and only 36% by VA only.12 Obstetricians and gynecologists should provide sexual and reproductive health and rights services including safe abortion care, based on scientific evidence within the framework of rights. JSOG's strong leadership is expected.
寺内らは、その通信の中で、中絶を取り巻く環境の多様性を指摘している1。しかし、安全でない中絶は、世界的に妊産婦死亡の主な原因であり、毎年14000~39000人の死亡を引き起こしていることに留意する必要がある2,3。中絶へのアクセスを犯罪化したり制限したりすることは、中絶減少に効果があるとは証明されておらず、危険な方法にさらされることによって女性の命を危険にさらしている2 。
手術による中絶の安全性はもう一つの問題である。WHOは、提供者が訓練を受けているかどうかにかかわらず、真空吸引(VA)後の掻爬の使用を含む拡張掻爬(D&C)を推奨している2。 WHOのガイドラインは、「D&Cは女性に痛みと苦しみを与える」「その使用は健康への権利を含む多くの人権と両立しない」としている1。実際に2015年に日本の全国調査によって、D&Cによる場合、VAと比較して子宮穿孔のリスクが高い(36.4/10万対4.9/10万、P = 0.047)11。しかし、2019年においても、誘発中絶の23.5%がD&C、40.3%が掻爬によるVA、36%がVAのみ12。産婦人科医は権利という枠の中で科学的根拠に基づいた安全な中絶医療など性・生殖医療と権利サービスを提供すべき。JSOGの強力なリーダーシップが期待される。