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Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women - General recommendations

このうちGeneral recommendation No. 24 -- twentieth session, 1999 article 12 - women and health
Available in languages:のところでEnglishを選ぶとが開かれます。

General Recommendation No. 24 (20th session, 1999)

(article 12 : Women and health)


1. The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, affirming that access to health care, including reproductive health is a basic right under the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, determined at its 20th session, pursuant to article 21, to elaborate a general recommendation on article 12 of the Convention.


Recommendations for government action

29. States parties should implement a comprehensive national strategy to promote women's health throughout their lifespan. This will include interventions aimed at both the prevention and treatment of diseases and conditions affecting women, as well as responding to violence against women, and will ensure universal access for all women to a full range of high-quality and affordable health care, including sexual and reproductive health services.

30. States parties should allocate adequate budgetary, human and administrative resources to ensure that women's health receives a share of the overall health budget comparable with that for men's health, taking into account their different health needs.

31. States parties should also, in particular:

(a) Place a gender perspective at the centre of all policies and programmes affecting women's s health and should involve women in the planning, implementation and monitoring of such policies and programmes and in the provision of health services to women;

(b) Ensure the removal of all barriers to women's access to health services, education and information, including in the area of sexual and reproductive health, and, in particular, allocate resources for programmes directed at adolescents for the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS;

(c) Prioritize the prevention of unwanted pregnancy through family planning and sex education and reduce maternal mortality rates through safe motherhood services and prenatal assistance. When possible, legislation criminalizing abortion could be amended to remove punitive provisions imposed on women who undergo abortion;

(d) Monitor the provision of health services to women by public, non-governmental and private organizations, to ensure equal access and quality of care;

(e) Require all health services to be consistent with the human rights of women, including the rights to autonomy, privacy, confidentiality, informed consent and choice;

(f) Ensure that the training curricula of health workers includes comprehensive, mandatory, gender-sensitive courses on women's health and human rights, in particular gender-based violence.







ご指摘ありがとうございました。私の言葉足らずで誤解が生じているようです。私は、今の状態のまま「個人輸入」をしようと考えている人がいたら、それは「堕胎罪」にあたると注意を喚起したかったのです。〈妊娠を確認し、ちゃんとした薬を適切な方法で服用する「自己中絶」〉と書いたのは、医療機関で妊娠を確認して薬を処方してもらい、指導された正しい方法で「自宅で服用」する、海外で言うところのhome abortionを念頭において書いた言葉です。