WHO "Abortion Care Guideline"
3.4.2 Medical management of induced abortion
Medical management of spontaneous and induced abortion (for both viable and non-viable pregnancies) at early or later gestational ages involves the use of a single-dose regimen or a combination regimen of medicines used in sequence, with specific dosages and routes of administration.
The medicines that have been used for some decades for medical abortion are mifepristone in combination with misoprostol, or misoprostol alone. Similar to mifepristone, letrozole can be used in combination with misoprostol for medical abortion at early gestational ages. Letrozole is a third-generation selective aromatase inhibitor.
Its mechanism of action involves suppression of estrogen levels, which modifies the progesterone receptor concentration, subsequently leading to pregnancy loss.
Medical abortion is a process that takes place over a period of up to several days rather than being a discrete procedure. In addition to information provision (including reasons to seek urgent care at any point during the process), medical abortion includes the following components or subtasks:
i. assessing eligibility for medical abortion (diagnosing and dating the pregnancy, ruling out medical contraindications);
ii. administering the abortion medicines with instructions on their appropriate use and managing the common side-effects;
iii. assessing whether the abortion process has had a successful outcome and whether any further intervention is required.
One health worker can provide the whole package of care for medical abortion, but it is equally possible for the subtasks to be carried out by different health workers and at different locations, including remotely. In addition, given the nature of the medical abortion process, it is also possible for women to manage the process by themselves outside of a health-care facility (e.g. at home), with support if and when needed. Such self-assessment and self-management approaches can be empowering for women and help to triage care, leading to a more woman-centred and more optimal use of health resources.
Routes of administration for misoprostol used for medical abortion:
• Oral – pills are swallowed immediately
• Buccal – pills are placed between the cheek and gums and swallowed after 20 to 30 minutes
• Sublingual – pills are placed under the tongue and swallowed after 30 minutes • Vaginal – pills are placed in the vagina
3.4.2 人工妊娠中絶の医学的管理
i. 薬による中絶の適格性を評価する(妊娠の診断と日付、医学的禁忌の除外);
ii. 中絶薬の適切な使用と一般的な副作用の管理に関する指示とともに、中絶薬を投与する;
CLINICAL SERVICES Recommendation 27: Medical management of induced abortion at gestational ages < 12 weeks
For medical abortion at < 12 weeks:
a. Recommend the use of 200 mg mifepristone administered orally, followed 1–2 days later by 800 μg misoprostol administered vaginally, sublingually or buccally. The minimum recommended interval between use of mifepristone and misoprostol is 24 hours.*
b. When using misoprostol alone: Recommend the use of 800 μg misoprostol administered buccally, sublingually or vaginally.*
c. (NEW) Suggest the use of a combination regimen of letrozole plus misoprostol (letrozole 10 mg orally each day for 3 days followed by misoprostol 800 μg sublingually on the fourth day) as a safe and effective option.*ǂ
• Evidence from clinical studies demonstrates that the combination regimen (Recommendation 27a) is more effective than misoprostol alone.
• All routes are included as options for misoprostol administration, in consideration of patient and provider preference.
• The suggested combination regimen of letrozole plus misoprostol may be safe and effective up to 14 weeks of gestation.
* Repeat doses of misoprostol can be considered when needed to achieve success of the abortion process. In this guideline we do not provide a maximum number of doses of misoprostol.
ǂ Further evidence is needed to determine the safety, effectiveness and acceptability of the letrozole plus misoprostol combination regimen at later gestational ages, especially in comparison with that of the mifepristone plus misoprostol combination regimen (the available evidence focused on comparison with the use of misoprostol alone).
Source: Recommendations 27a and 27b carried forward from WHO (2018) where they were Recommendation 3a (120). Recommendation 27c is new.
Rationale for Recommendation 27c (combination regimen of letrozole plus misoprostol)
A systematic review assessed the efficacy, safety and acceptability of alternative methods of medical abortion to the standard regimens using mifepristone and/or misoprostol. The literature search identified seven studies, all of which reported on the combination of letrozole plus misoprostol (intervention) versus misoprostol alone (comparison) for medical abortion. No studies were identified that compared letrozole plus misoprostol versus mifepristone plus misoprostol. The study settings included China, Egypt and nd the Islamic Republic of Iran. A summary of the evidence is presented in Supplementary material 2, EtD framework for New medical methods for abortion.
Overall, the evidence favoured the intervention. The use of letrozole in combination with misoprostol showed lower rates of ongoing pregnancy and higher rates of successful abortion, based on low- to very low-certainty evidence. In addition, fewer women experienced side-effects, based on moderate-certainty evidence.
Discussion on the cost-effectiveness, equity, feasibility and acceptability favoured the intervention. Letrozole's typical use for infertility and cancer treatment makes it more readily accessible than mifepristone in certain parts of the world. In addition, the low cost of letrozole is another contributing factor to making this an alternative method for medical abortion.
臨床サービスの推奨 27:妊娠 12 週未満の誘発中絶の医学的管理
a. ミフェプリストン200mgを経口投与し、1-2日後にミソプロストール800μgを経腟、舌下、または頬から投与することを推奨する。ミフェプリストンとミソプロストールの使用間隔は、最低24時間が推奨される*。
c. (NEW)安全で効果的な選択肢として、レトロゾールとミソプロストールの併用レジメン(レトロゾール10mgを3日間毎日経口投与し、4日目にミソプロストール800μgを舌下投与する)の使用を推奨する。
- 臨床研究からのエビデンスは、併用レジメン(推奨27a)がミソプロストール単独よりも有効であることを示している。
- 患者や医療提供者の嗜好を考慮し、ミソプロストール投与の選択肢としてすべての経路を含める。
- レトロゾールとミソプロストールの推奨される併用レジメンは、妊娠14週まで安全で有効であろう。
* 中絶を成功させるために必要であれば、ミソプロストールの反復投与を考慮してもよい。本ガイドラインでは、ミソプロストールの最大投与回数は示していない。
ǂ 妊娠後期におけるレトロゾール+ミソプロストール併用レジメンの安全性、有効性、受容性、特にミフェプリストン+ミソプロストール併用レジメンとの比較については、さらなるエビデンスが必要である(利用可能なエビデンスはミソプロストール単独使用との比較に焦点を当てている)。
出典 勧告27aおよび27bは、勧告3a(120)であったWHO(2018)から引き継がれた。勧告27cは新しい。
SERVICE DELIVERY Recommendation 28: Medical management of induced abortion at gestational ages < 12 weeks,* in whole or in part (i.e. performing all or some of the subtasks; see list at start of section 3.4.2) using mifepristone plus misoprostol, or misoprostol aloneǂ
- Community health workers (CHWs)
Evidence was found for the safety, effectiveness and acceptability of this option, for all three subtasks of medical abortion (moderate certainty). The skills and knowledge for this task (according to the competency framework) align with the competencies for this type of health worker.a Indirect evidence also demonstrated the feasibility and acceptability of CHWs facilitating assessment of eligibility and outcome.
- Pharmacy workers
Limited evidence was found for the safety, effectiveness, acceptability or feasibility of this option (non-comparative studies). The skills and knowledge for this task (according to the competency framework) align with the competencies for this type of health worker.
a Indirect evidence on CHWs was applied to support the feasibility of this option.
- Pharmacists
Although insufficient evidence was found for the safety, effectiveness and acceptability of pharmacists performing the three subtasks of medical abortion, the skills and knowledge for this task (according to the competency framework) align with the competencies for this type of health worker.
a Dispensing medicines on prescription is within their typical scope of practice. The expert panel affirmed that, with the aid of tools for assessment of eligibility and outcome, it would be feasible for
pharmacists to provide all three subtasks of medical abortion.
- Auxiliary nurses/ANMs
Evidence was found for the safety and effectiveness of this option (moderate certainty). This option is feasible and is already being implemented in some low-resource settings.
- Nurses
Evidence was found for the safety and effectiveness of this option, and for women’s satisfaction with abortion services with this option (moderate certainty).
- Midwives
Evidence was found for the safety and effectiveness of this option (moderate certainty). More women are satisfied with the provider when midwives provide medical abortion (moderatecertainty evidence). This option is feasible and is already being implemented in several countries.
- Associate/advanced associate clinicians
Insufficient direct evidence was found for the effectiveness of these clinicians carrying out components of the task, e.g. assessing gestational age as part of provision of manual vacuum aspiration. Evidence was also found that health worker types with similar or less comprehensive basic training (e.g. midwives, nurses, auxiliary nurse midwives) can provide medical abortion safely and effectively (moderate certainty).
- Generalist medical practitioners
Specialist medical practitioners
Within their typical scope of practice,b therefore no assessment of the evidence was conducted.
- Pregnant woman, girl or other pregnant person
Please refer to Recommendation 50 in section 3.6.2 for rationale, remarks and implementation considerations for this recommendation and further information on self-management approaches.
- 地域保健ワーカー(CHW)
- 薬局販売員
この選択肢の安全性、有効性、受容性、または実現可能性については、限られたエビデンスしか 見出されなかった(非比較研究)。
a この選択肢の実現可能性を支持するために、CHWに関する間接的エビデンスが適用された。
- 薬剤師
a 処方箋に基づく医薬品の調剤は、彼らの典型的な業務範囲内である。専門家委員会は、適格性と結果を評価するツールの助けを借りれば、薬剤師が次の3つのサブタスクのすべてを提供することは可能であることを確認した。薬剤師は薬による中絶の3つのサブタスクすべてを提供することが可能である。
- 補助看護師/ANM
- 看護師
- 助産師
- 准/上級准臨床医
- 一般医 専門医
推奨 一般的な診療範囲内であるため、エビデンスの評価は行わなかった。
- 妊娠している女性、女児、その他の妊娠中の人
3.6.2 Self-management approaches for medical abortion in whole or in part
Self-care, as defined the Glossary, is a broad-based concept and can encompass numerous actions that are intended to empower the individual to enhance their own health. Self-management approaches are one component of self-care. Given the nature of the medical abortion process, it is possible for women to manage the process by themselves in whole or part. While individuals may conduct some or all elements related to the abortion process (self-assessment of eligibility, self-administration of medicines and self-assessment of the success of the abortion) entirely on their own, more typically, self-management co-exists with interactions with trained health workers or with a health-care facility and in conjunction with service-delivery approaches described in section 3.6.1. It is the individual (i.e. the “self”) who drives the process of deciding which aspects of the abortion care will be self-managed and which aspects will be supported or provided by trained health workers or in a health-care facility.
Women may self-manage parts or all the abortion process for a variety of reasons related to individual circumstances and preferences. For some women, this may be the only feasible option within their context and for others it may represent an active choice. However, from the perspective of the health system, selfmanagement should not be considered a “last resort” option or a substitute for a non-functioning health system. Self-management must be recognized as a potentially empowering and active extension of the health system and task-sharing approaches. A supportive enabling environment as described in Chapter 1, section 1.3, is equally applicable to self-management approaches as it is to other elements of care provision.
3.6.2 中絶の全部または一部に対する自己管理アプローチ
SELF-MANAGEMENT Recommendation 50:
Self-management of medical abortion in whole or in part at gestational ages < 12 weeks
For medical abortion at < 12 weeks (using the combination of mifepristone plus misoprostol or using misoprostol alone): Recommend the option of self-management of the medical abortion process in whole or any of the three component parts of the process:
• self-assessment of eligibility (determining pregnancy duration; ruling out contraindications)
• self-administration of abortion medicines outside of a health-care facility and without the direct supervision of a trained health worker, and management of the abortion process
• self-assessment of the success of the abortion.
• There was more evidence for self-management of medical abortion (with either of the regimens) for pregnancies before 10 weeks of gestation.
• This recommendation applies to the combination regimen of mifepristone plus misoprostol, and the use of misoprostol alone. The included studies informing these recommendations did not assess the letrozole plus misoprostol regimen.
• All individuals engaging in self-management of medical abortion must also have access to accurate information, quality-assured medicines including for pain management, the support of trained health workers and access to a health-care facility and to referral services if they need or desire it.
• Restrictions on prescribing and dispensing authority for abortion medicines may need to be modified or other mechanisms put in place for self-management within the regulatory framework of the health system.
Source: Recommendation updated from WHO (2015) (23).
Note on updating of the recommendation: This was an existing recommendation for which evidence for all of the subtasks was reviewed using GRADE methodology. After review, the recommendations for all subtasks were upgraded to “recommend” – from “suggest” for self-administration and selfassessment of outcome, and from “only in the context of rigorous research” for self-assessment of eligibility.
自己管理 勧告50:
妊娠12週未満の薬による中絶(ミフェプリストンとミソプロストールの併用、またはミソプロストール単独の使用): 薬による中絶のプロセス全体またはプロセスの3つの構成部分のいずれかを自己管理する選択肢を推奨する:
- 適格性の自己評価(妊娠期間の決定、禁忌の除外)
- 医療施設外で、訓練を受けた保健ワーカーの直接の監督なしに中絶薬を自己投与すること、および中絶プロセスを管理すること。
- 中絶が成功したかどうかの自己評価。
- 妊娠10週以前の妊娠に対する薬による中絶の自己管理(いずれかのレジメンによる)については、より多くのエビデンスがあった。
- この推奨は、ミフェプリストン+ミソプロストールの併用レジメンとミソプロストール単独の使用に適用される。本勧告の根拠となった研究では、レトロゾール+ミソプロストール併用療法は評価されていない。
- 薬による中絶の自己管理に従事するすべての人は、正確な情報、疼痛管理を含む品質が保証された医薬品、訓練を受けた医療従事者の支援、医療施設へのアクセス、必要な場合や希望する場合には紹介サービスを受けることもできなければならない。
- 中絶薬の処方や調剤の権限に関する制限は、保健システムの規制の枠組みの中で、自己管理のために修正されたり、他の仕組みが導入されたりする必要があるかもしれない。
出典 WHO(2015)の勧告を更新した(23)。
勧告の更新に関する注記: この勧告は既存の勧告であり、すべてのサブタスクのエビデンスがGRADEの手法を用いてレビューされた。レビューの結果、すべてのサブタスクの推奨が「推奨」に格上げされた-自己投与とアウトカムの自己評価については「推奨」から、適格性の自己評価については「厳密な研究の状況においてのみ」からである。
No requirement for location (on-site vs off-site).
Two systematic reviews were undertaken to address this key question. The first review focused on the selfassessment of eligibility and self-assessment of success. A total of 14 studies reporting on these two sub-tasks were identified by the search strategy. The four studies on self-assessment of eligibility took place in South Africa, the United Kingdom and the USA. Ten studies on self-assessment of success took place in Austria, Finland, India, Mexico, Nepal, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Uzbekistan and Viet Nam. The second review was on the selfadministration of medicines and included 18 studies, which took place in Albania, Bangladesh, China, France, India, Nigeria, Tunisia, Turkey and Viet Nam. A summary of the evidence is presented in Supplementary material 2, EtD framework on Self-management of medical abortion.
Self-assessment of eligibility: There is low-certainty evidence on the safety, effectiveness and acceptability of self-assessment of eligibility for a medical abortion, using the start date of last menstrual period (LMP) alone or in combination with other tools (e.g. checklists). The expert panel discussed the feasibility of this intervention in certain scenarios such as the woman having regular menses, a known LMP and the availability of validated tools.
When they have the necessary information, women are able to determine their eligibility for medical abortion.
Given this and taking into account the values and preferences and high acceptability of this approach, the panel determined that the intervention was favoured.
Self-administration of medicines: There is evidence that the option of self-administering medicines for medical abortion is effective (moderate certainty) and safe (low certainty). Women reported high satisfaction with taking their own medicines for the abortion (very low-certainty evidence). There was high adherence to the medical abortion regimen (low-certainty evidence). The high acceptability and feasibility favoured this intervention.
Self-assessment of success: There is high-certainty evidence that self-assessment of abortion outcome/success (using tools such as a low-sensitivity pregnant test or multi-level pregnancy test) is as effective as assessment by a trained health worker. Low-certainty evidence indicated that more women in the self-assessment group expressed satisfaction with the process.
- 適格性の自己評価:最終月経開始日(LMP)のみ、または他のツール(チェックリストなど)と組み合わせて、薬による中絶の適格性を自己評価することの安全性、有効性、受容性に関して、確実性の低いエビデンスがある。専門家委員会は、女性が定期的に月経があり、最終月経日(LMP)がわかっており、有効なツールが利用可能であるなど、特定のシナリオにおけるこの介入の実現可能性について議論した。
- 薬の自己投与:薬による中絶のための薬の自己投与の選択肢は、効果的(中程度の確実性)で安全(低い確実性)であるという証拠がある。女性は中絶のために自分で薬を服用することに高い満足感を示している(非常に低い確実性の証拠)。薬による中絶のレジメンに対する遵守率は高かった(確実性の低い証拠)。高い受容性と実現可能性がこの介入に有利であった。
- 成功の自己評価: 中絶の結果/成功の自己評価(低感度妊娠検査やマルチレベル妊娠検査などのツールを使用)は、訓練を受けた保健ワーカーによる評価と同じくらい効果的であるという確実性の高い証拠がある。確実性の低い証拠によると、自己評価グループの方が、より多くの女性がそのプロセスに満足感を示している。
Implementation considerations
• Every individual must have access to accurate information about the self-management process as well as other options available within their local context, to enable informed decision making on whether to selfmanage all or parts of the process.
• Self-assessment of eligibility includes the assessment of pregnancy duration based on LMP. Paper or digital tools to assist recall and calculate duration or checklists may assist in the self-assessment of eligibility. When menstrual cycles are irregular or women have other concerns, she should be encouraged to seek support from a trained health worker where possible.
• Self-administration of medicines and management of the medical abortion process involves taking all or some of the abortion medicines without the direct supervision of a health worker. It is important that all sources from which medicines are procured provide quality-assured medicines.
• Women should also have information about pain during the process and should be able to obtain medicines for pain management.
• Women should also have information about the requirements of managing abortion-related bleeding at home, and should have access/referral to emergency care if this becomes necessary.
• Self-assessment of the success of abortion can be done using check lists of signs and symptoms. Other tools (e.g. low-sensitivity pregnancy tests), if available, may be used to assist the woman in self-assessing completion. Low-sensitivity urine pregnancy tests are different from ordinary pregnancy tests. The use of a high-sensitivity pregnancy test (a multi-level pregnancy test [MLPT]) alone or in conjunction with checklists has been shown to have a higher sensitivity for detecting successful abortion. Access should be available to a health worker or health-care facility to confirm the success of abortion or to manage side-effects or complications.
• As part of the enabling environment, health workers and managers’ should recognize self-management as a legitimate pathway to abortion care, and should work to adapt health systems to facilitate and support women in their self-management of abortion – for example, by adapting clinical protocols used at their facility.
• Mechanisms need to be established to ensure access or referrals to post-abortion contraception services and provision of contraception for women who want them.
• While self-management can support efficiencies within health systems in the long term, it should not mean that the burden of the cost of health services is simply transferred from the provider or facility to the woman herself.
- 各個人は、自己管理プロセスに関する正確な情報だけでなく、各地域で利用可能な他の選択肢も入手し、プロセスのすべてまたは一部を自己管理するかどうかについて、十分な情報に基づいた意思決定ができるようにしなければならない。
- 適格性の自己評価には、LMPに基づく妊娠期間の評価が含まれる。妊娠期間の想起と計算を支援する紙またはデジタルのツールやチェックリストが、適格性の自己評価に役立つかもしれない。月経周期が不規則であったり、その他の懸念事項がある場合は、可能な限り訓練を受けた保健ワーカーの支援を求めるよう女性に勧めるべきである。
- 薬の自己投与と薬による中絶のプロセスの管理は、保健ワーカーの直接の監督なしに中絶薬の全部または一部を服用することを含む。薬を調達するすべての供給元が、品質が保証された薬を提供することが重要である。
- 女性はまた、中絶の過程における痛みに関する情報を得るべきであり、痛み管理のための薬を入手できるようにすべきである。
- 女性はまた、中絶に関連した出血を自宅で管理するために必要な情報を持っているべきであり、緊急治療が必要になった場合には、緊急治療へのアクセスや紹介を受けているべきである。
- 中絶の成功の自己評価は、徴候や症状のチェックリストを用いて行うことができる。利用可能であれば、他のツール(低感度妊娠検査薬など)を使用して、女性が自己評価するのを助けることができる。低感度尿妊娠検査薬は、通常の妊娠検査薬とは異なる。高感度妊娠検査(マルチレベル妊娠検査[MLPT])を単独で、またはチェックリストと組み合わせて使用することで、中絶の成功を検出する感度が高くなることが示されている。中絶の成功を確認したり、副作用や合併症に対処するために、保健ワーカーや医療施設にアクセスできるようにすべきである。
- 中絶を可能にする環境の一部として、保健ワーカーと管理者は自己管理を中絶ケアへの正当な道筋として認識し、例えば、施設で使用されている臨床プロトコルを適応させるなどして、女性の中絶の自己管理を容易にし、支援するための保健システムの適応に取り組むべきである。
- 中絶後の避妊サービスへのアクセスや紹介を確保し、避妊を望む女性に避妊を提供する仕組みを確立する必要がある。
- 自己管理は、長期的には保健システム内の効率化を支援することができるが、保健サービスの費用の負担が、単に医療提供者や施設から女性自身に移されることを意味してはならない。