Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity, No.27, Reproductive Rights(1995)pp.8-14
Asha Moodley, "Defining Reproductive Rights"
Control and choice are central to women's reproductive rights. ASHA MOODLEY says the struggle for reproductive rights is a political one which requires strategies for dealing with obstacles and for creating condition conductive to women's self-determination
Try defining reporoductive rights in a workshop, seminar or conference and what do youge? A profusion of understandings reflecting the diverse backgrounds and experiences of participants at such forums. This was quite obvious for example, at Agenda's planning workshoop for the Reproductive Rights issue. Some participants focused on abortion to such an extent that the abortion issue threatened to dominate the discussions. This was not surprisingm given the activism of both the pro-choice and pro-life lobbies in the country, the coverage given to the subject by the national media and the presence of some of these activists at the workshop"
Real life illustration
What the Agenda Collective saw was a graphic real life illustration of a description given by the Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights (1993). At the Reinforcing Reproductive Rights Conference, held in 1993 in Madras, India, they stated that concepts of reproductive rights:... range from a narrow to a broadly defined focus and working area, from concerns pureky related to fertility to all aspects of reproductive health and sexuality and from access/provision orientation (quality of carem broadening choice) to aquestioning the dominant development model and campaigning for transformation of the very conditions which disempower women.
Viewed as humanrights, reproductive rights refer to a group of legal and ethical principles, central to which is the notion of control. More specifically reproductive rights are about women's ability to control what happens to their bodies and their persons through legal and ethical principles which protect and enhance their ability to make and implement decisions about their reproduction.
Marge Berer (1990( contends that to support reproductive rights is to: the human need and desire to have some measure of control over nature and biology, and over fertility, and to believe that it is ethical to do this.Linked to the notion of control is that of choice. As Berer impassionately says, there:
... is nothing natural about having reproductive rights. It is 'natural' for sexuality to be tied to reproduction... it is often 'natural' to be infertile. Reproductive rights is about separating sexuality from reproduction when we choose to do so ... It is about finding the means to overcomeinfertility, not just learning to live with it ... it is about having an alternative and about saying yes or no to pregnancy when we choose to.
コントロールと選択は女性のリプロダクティブ・ライツの中心である。ASHA MOODLEYは、リプロダクティブ・ライツのための闘いは政治的なものであり、障壁に対処し、女性の自己決定を促進する条件を作り出すための戦略が必要であると言う
. .....自然と生物学、そして生殖能力をある程度コントロールしたいという人間の必要性と欲求を支持し、それを実行することが倫理的であると信じることである。コントロールの概念と結びついているのは、選択の概念である。ベラーは以下のように熱っぽく語る: